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Thank you for all the positive feedback. I promise she'll meet Caius soon

Actually, I should be learning French but I will mess it up anyway so I thought I'd do something useful.

Nobody's position

The next day at school, all the Cullens plus Bella were standing by their cars, when Mike Newton came up to Edward who was standing closest to him. "Hey, Edward. Yesterday I had a conversation with your sister Shade, who by the way is really hot. We talked for a while, I'm sure she mentioned it, well we didn't have time to exchange numbers so do you mind giving me hers"

"Her name is Shado you imbecile" Rosalie hissed.

"Oh yeah wait, she did mention that some scrawny idiot bothered her in the store. Do you want to bother her again?" Emmett asked, cracking his knuckles, making him look bigger than he was anyway "We don't like it when my little sister is bothered. We tend to get rid of the thing."

Mike paled at that. Jasper's eyes were black and he looked more than feral.

Needless to say, Mike stayed away from Shado.

It was a few days later when everything, just like Shado had said it would happen, went to hell. Bella was in a car to Pheonix with Jasper, Alice, and Shado.

Bella tried to talk to Shado but the girl just wouldn't answer. When Bella went to grab her hand she pulled away as quickly as possible, pushing herself as far away from Edward's girlfriend as possible.

"What is your problem? Are you jealous that I spend more time with Edward than you do?"

"Bella, honestly just shut up. You have no idea what you are talking about and the reason I don't talk to you is that I simply have nothing nice to say to you. You want to hear Edward will be okay? I can't tell you that because there is a physic tracker after all of us. Do you want to hear that he loves you? Well, we can't tell you that, as we are not in his head. Do you want pity? Go look for it somewhere else. None of the vampires had one, because if they did, they would be dead by now" the car was deadly silent, after Shado's rant.

Bella looked furious and her face was red with rage and humiliation.

You self intitled bitc"

"Don't you dare talk to my daughter like that ever again" Jasper hissed, facing the two humans in the back.

********Time skip one year********

The last year had been exciting, to say the least.

Bella got into trouble...the Cullens saved her.

Bella did something stupid...the Cullens saved her.

Bella managed to be too stupid to open a fucking present which led to the Cullens leaving...she was alone.

Shado couldn't be happier to be back in Alaska. She loved the snowy region and was happier than ever.

The vampire clan felt very bad for tearing her away from this place. Nobody could see how much Shado hated Forks until they moved away again.

Alice was out shopping with Shado when she got a vision. They were in a shopping center about two hours away from the Cullens mansion.

She said they didn't have any time to lose. That it may be too late already, so she just took Shado with her. A decision she would deeply regret later.

Forks looked like always, the same old town with the same old people. That Bella only jumped from the cliff for fun and was saved by a hormonal shapeshifter was new but honestly, Shado doubted anything would surprise her anymore.

So now all three of them were on the way to the airport.

"Tell me again why I need to go? If you haven't forgotten...I am very much human and the Volturi don't fancy those too much. Well, they do but in a very different way. The...I'm going to tear out your throat and suck you dry..way" Shado asked, staring out of the window.

"I just have a feeling"

"Is it in your throat...cause that is probably hunger"

"Would you shut up already? I am really worried and here you are being a child"

"Я на год старше тебя, глупый ребенок"

(I'm a year older you stupid child)

"I'm sorry I don't speak Chinese"

"это был не китайский ты идиот"

(That wasn't Chinese you imbicible)

Alice really started to regret taking Shado. Bella hated the poor human with passion and tried to insult her all the time, which led to Shado outsmarting her in every way, which made Bella even angrier and didn't faze Shado at all.

The plane touched down in Italy and Alice 'borrowed' a yellow Porsche to get them to Volterra. Honestly, Shado wouldn't have been surprised if Alice walked past dozens of cars just so she could get one that fit the pixie's character.

"Alice hurry up, we only have five minutes left"

"There is Volterra" the vampire announced, making the two humans look at the small town on a hill, with a beautiful castle. Shado felt a weird pull in her chest, but she shrugged it off. When they were back in Alaska she would ask Carlisle if one of her old injuries might have reopened. God knows she had enough to choose from.

They arrived at Volterra and Bella jumped out, running to save her glittery boyfriend while Alice and Shado, followed at a certain distance. Shado's felt the pull in her chest even stronger now and she was more than confused, going through all the injuries she'd had, thinking about what could be the cause of it.

Just before they reached the door Alice stopped and stared out into space.

"I shouldn't have brought you here"

In the shadows (Caius Volturi)Where stories live. Discover now