Angry Jasper

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Nobody's position

Bella didn't know what to think about living with Charlie in Forks. She wanted her mother to be happy and although she didn't want to admit it, she missed having a father in her life. Her friends always talked about theirs and Bella didn't feel like Bill was a fatherly figure to her.

It was Bella's first day at Fork's Highschool and it had been weird. Everyone was talking about the new girl and she had already made friends with Mike and Eric.

It was lunch break at the moment so she sat with Jessica, Angela, Mike, and Eric when she saw five inhumanly beautiful people come in.

"Who are they?" She asked making Angela and Jessica turn around.

"Those are the Cullens. Mrs. and Dr. Cullens foster kids. They moved her from Alaska two years ago. But they keep to themselves, 'cause they're all together. As in together, together. Okay, the big guy, that's Emmett, he's with Rosalie the blonde one. I'm not even sure that's legal. That's Alice, she's weird, and she's with Jasper, the one who looks like he is in pain."

"And who's that?" Bella asked, motioning to the bronze haired boy who walked in alone.

"That's Edward Cullen. He is gorgeous obviously. But nobody here seems good enough for him, so don't even try"

"They also have a little sister. Her name is Shado but she doesn't go to this school." Angela said with a smile. Bella noticed, that the Cullens seemed to be listening to what the girl was saying, even though they were across the room.

"She's weird and I'm pretty sure she's mute. My mother and I met her and Mrs. Cullen in the grocery store once and she didn't say a word. Nobody in this town has ever heard her speak and barely anyone has seen her. She gets home-schooled and doesn't interact with anyone here. Probably thinks she is too good for this town."

Suddenly Jasper jumped up and stormed out of the caféteria, looking furious. On the way out he gave Jessica a glare that could freeze hell. His eyes were pitch black and he looked like a predator ready to kill. Jessica looked like she was going to have a heart attack and she was as pale as a ghost.

"What was that about?" Angela whispered. The whole room was deadly quiet like nobody even dared to breathe.

Everyone watched as the rest of the Cullens dumped their trays and left as well.

"Does that happen a lot?" Bella finally asked. She didn't want to admit it bit Jasper had scared the hell out of her.

"No never," Mike said gulping. Jessica still sat there like a dear caught in headlights.

"Jasper" Alice shouted trying to calm down her furious husband.

"They have no right to talk about Shado that way. They have no idea what she's been through. I should go back and tear their heads off"

"Bro, that is a very bad idea. I get that your angry, trust me I am too, but killing those humans won't do us any good" Emmett said.

"Besides, if you slaughter half of the town the Volturi will come and find out about Shado. Do you want them to take away your daughter?" Rosalie asked her 'twin', putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Bella had had a confusing few weeks.

At least Edward was finally talking to her. She had found out they were all vampires and that excited her to no end. The thought of being immortal was just too appealing to Bella.

At the moment she was sitting in the woods with Edward. He told her about how he got bitten by Carlisle and about his siblings.

"What about your sister. The one that doesn't go to our school?" Bella finally asked the question that had been irking her for a long time now. Almost nobody knew anything about the youngest Cullen. She was a complete mystery.

"Shado is complicated. She...she has the biggest heart but...people do bad things, Bella. People are bad, human or vampire"

"Why doesn't she go to our school?"

"Esme home-schools her"


Edward didn't answer. He liked Bella but he respected Shado too much for him to tell all her secrets.

"Edward tell me" Bella urged. She wanted to know everything about the Cullens, after all, she was going to be a part of them. She was Edward's girlfriend and he was surly going to change her into a vampire, he was only too afraid to ask right now.

"It's not my story to tell"

"Is she really mute? Jessica said she was" Edward wanted to scoff loudly. Of course, Jessica would say that Shado was mute. Not that she had ever heard her speak, but labeling her off as mute was just plain stupid.

"She only talked to people she truly trusts. Jasper is her favorite, by far"

"And Alice doesn't mind?" Bella would have thought the pixie-like girl wouldn't like that, she surely would be furious if someone were to spend time with her Edward.

"Alice sees Shado as a sister. Almost all of us do"

"But she doesn't do anything with you right"

"Of course we spend time together. She taught me Russian and a little bit of Chinese" Edward smiled at the memory. Although he was a vampire he still had to learn a language like any other person. He just remembered everything better. In the end, Shado hit him with Carlisle's medical dictionary every time he made a mistake. You wouldn't believe it if you saw her, but she was quite strong and then Emmett helped her cause he said it was fun.

Bella was more than jealous. Edward wasn't supposed to spend his time with some mite freak.

"How old is she anyway?" Bella basically snapped, her anger for Shado growing rapidly.

"She's 17, why are you so interested in her?"

Bella just shrugged. Great, there was a girl who was as old as her, spending time with her Edward, but Bella would make sure that Shado would stop spending time with her boyfriend.

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