Epilogue: Happily Ever After

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Okay... So here's the deal... I am not going to continue into the comics in detail, but I've had some requests about Crystal finding out she's pregnant... So I will post this epilogue for you all. I just ask that no one gets upset that I am not continuing into the comics, because I really have not delved into the comic world a ton. I only briefly skimmed "The Promise" and "The Search" comics, so the knowledge I have on events after the comet are very slim.

Anyway... This chapter takes place after the meeting with the Earth King about the Harmony Restoration Movement. Also, just FYI, Izumi is not the name of Crystal and Zuko's child either... I hope you all do enjoy this extra though. It isn't much, but I wanted to give a thank you to my readers for your amazing support and comments.

Happy New Year!


Epilogue: Happily Ever After

Three months had passed since the hundred year war was finally brought to an end. Things were going as good as one could hope after a century of violence and death. The Fire Nation was mending relations with the Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom in waves. After I was crowned Fire Lady, Zuko and I took a few weeks to travel around and meet with different world leaders to repair relations. Aang went with us on this adventure, as did Katara, Toph, and Sokka.

Our first stop was the South Pole, and everyone was elated to see me again. My grandmother and new grandfather Pakku seemed to be doing wonderfully in their marriage, and my father was staying busy repairing our tribe. I was bewildered to find when we arrived that our home which was once tents and a small snow wall, was now an expanding city. There were icy buildings similar to the North Pole, a large ice wall surrounding the village, and a lot more villagers than I recalled. Some of our brothers and sisters from the Northern Water Tribe had relocated down south to help Master Pakku rebuild our home and tribe. It felt like I was stepping into a whole new world.

My people threw a huge party to celebrate my coronation and marriage to Zuko. They also begged me to sing for them at the large bonfire. While I still was not comfortable singing like I used to be, I did give in and sang one song for them to thank them for accepting me back so quickly. I had been worried that I had lost my people's favor after keeping my waterbending a secret from them. I had feared they would hate me for lying to them for so many years... but they didn't care one bit. I realized upon this discovery that my fears growing up had all been irrational.

My tribe also accepted Zuko as their own as well. The men quickly questioned him about his time at sea, and asked him about battles he had faced. Jaka, Areto, and Kona warmed up to him too, and Areto even shook his hand to congratulate him on our marriage. I was relieved they weren't clashing swords anymore.

After three days at the South Pole, we moved on and went through the Earth Kingdom for three weeks. We ran into Suki on our way to Ba Sing Se, visited Iroh at his tea shop, and had a meeting with Earth King Kuei to form the Harmony Restoration Movement. Once we finished in the Earth Kingdom, we found ourselves at the North Pole.

Chief Arnook-- who I had feared would still despise me for attacking his men so long ago when the Fire Nation invaded-- embraced me and welcomed Zuko and I with delight. Having Aang, Toph, Sokka, and Katara with us definitely helped the mood as well though. Chief Arnook was quick to form peace with the Fire Nation after meeting Zuko. He could see the Fire Nation had a wise leader at last, and Master Pakku had also spoken wonderful things about the new Fire Lord.

After another two days at the North Pole, we returned to the Fire Nation. Zuko and I were dropped off at Ember Island, where we planned to spend two days resting before returning back to the palace. Sokka, Toph, Katara, and Aang went to the South Pole with Appa after resting a few hours on the island and having a small swim at the beach.

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