Chapter 54: Blood Moon

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Chapter 54: Blood Moon

(Crystal POV)

The fire crackled illuminating the area around us as we sat by the fire. The forest surrounded us causing shadows and darkness to push against the light that danced on our forms.

Two days had passed since returning to the group after facing my mother's killer. Things had calmed greatly between Katara and I as she finally accepted why she'd been left behind while Sokka and I went to face the man who killed our mom. She understood my desire to protect her, and although she was still frustrated she didn't get a swing at Yon Rha, she forgave me and things were once more as they should be.

We were resting for the night after a day of flying in the most inconspicuous way we could. Our journey was long due to having to keep to the isolated parts of the Fire Nation so we would not be spotted. Everyone was worried that a giant flying sky-bison would earn some dangerous fireballs, and we by no means wanted to dodge firebenders for the rest of our trip.

As we sat around the fire after eating some dinner, I leaned against Zuko watching my brother with amusement as he continued with his dark tale. We'd been telling ghost stories for the last few minutes. The whole conversation started when Toph swore she heard voices in the woods. After investigating, and finding no presence, we'd all tried to laugh it off. But then the stories began.

"Suddenly, they heard something down the hall, in the dark." Sokka leaned forward so the light of the flames danced on his playful expression. "Oooh... It came into the torchlight. And they knew the blade of Wing - Fun was haunted! Aah-ah..!"

My brother's dramatic end sent both Zuko and I laughing. As we laughed, Sokka pouted from not being taken sincerely.

"It's not funny!" He snapped. "It really happened!"

Aang commented as he pet Momo, "I think I liked the one Crystal told about "the man with a sword for a hand" better."

Toph added. "Water Tribe slumber parties must stink."

"No, wait," Katara stated, leaning forward. "I've got one, and this is a true Southern Water Tribe story."

I sighed. "Is this about mom's friend, Nini?"

Katara looked at me with irritation. "Do you have to ruin all the fun?"

I held my hands up in surrender. "Hey... I didn't say anything. Tell the story. While you do, I'm going to grab some more wood. The fire is dying." Standing, I stretched and turned to leave the campsite.

"Uh, no you aren't," Zuko snapped, grabbing my arm to stop me. "You know what happens when you wander off from camp alone."

Rolling my eyes, I looked back at Zuko. "Don't tell me these stories are freaking you out, Zuko? There were more terrifying stories told by your crew."

"Great!" Aang exclaimed. "We'll hear some of those after Katara's."

Zuko narrowed his eyes. "Crystal... You know what I mean. There's a crazy assassin after you."

Sokka sighed. "Well... I've heard this story so I'll go with Crys. She's right about the fire. But Zuko's right about going alone."

He stood and headed over to me. I shook my head and turned leaving the camp. As the two of us stepped into the woods, and Katara started spewing her tale about the ghost of Nini, I crossed my arms feeling slight discomfort from the darkness around us.

"You know..." I finally spoke after walking for a moment in silence and getting a good distance from camp. "We haven't seen this assassin since he first attacked me. He may have decided I wasn't worth his time and energy."

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