Chapter 38: The Rescue

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Chapter 38: The Rescue

Inching around a corner, I gripped the metal of my stolen blade hard as I maneuvered through the dark halls within the Dai Li's headquarters. I kept trying to convince myself I knew where I was, but honestly I was lost. The halls that seemed endless were all the same, and each door I passed looked like the door Appa could possibly be behind. Interestingly, I hadn't crossed paths with a Dai Li agent since I'd left the room where Long Feng almost caught me. Part of me felt wary about the lack of security, while the other side of me wanted it to be a good sign that I would find Appa and escape.

Just as I went towards another corner, a door swung open and a man stepped out carrying a small wooden bin. The man before me did not appear to have the traditional Dai Li clothing, and actually looked like a normal citizen from the lower ring. He appeared to be in his late twenties and had messy black hair with dark brown eyes. He was shocked when he saw me, and went to speak. Without hesitation, I pointed my sword at his chest and tried to find a firm tone. "Don't. Call for help and I'll attack."

He shut his mouth and dropped the box in his hand. The package broke open and small metal pieces fell out. Holding his hands up in surrender, he stated desperately, "Don't... Please."

Sweat formed on my forehead as my arms shook. I didn't want to hurt him, but I also didn't want him alerting the Dai Li. "Are you a Dai Li agent?"

He shook his head drastically. "I'm just one of their messengers. I swear!"

From his appearance I believed him. I stayed alert though, and asked, "Do you know where they're keeping the Avatar's bison?"

He was puzzled by my question, and shook his head. "No. I don't. I've never heard anything about a bison or the Avatar." The look of terror in his eyes, and the sincerity in his tone made the hold on my sword waver. He was telling the truth, and that fact made me disappointed. My determination started to dim.

However, I quickly gestured for him to go back into the room. He did so quickly, and I followed him into what appeared to be another storage room. This one had metal equipment inside that looked to be used for repairs and machines. Grabbing the door, I shut it behind us while keeping my sword up in case the man lashed out. Stepping forward, I kept my voice strong. "Where would they keep a giant sky-bison?"

He continued to look puzzled. "I swear. I don't know anything." He stared at the tip of the blade with horror. "I was hired about a week ago. One of the rules was to never ask questions or snoop around. I go where my superior tells me to go and that's it."

The thought of brainwash had me doubting his words, but I also could see his panic. Lowering my sword, I asked, "Would your superior be Long Feng?"

He shook his head. "No... I've never met the man. He usually doesn't associate with the messengers they hire... My supervisor is Tang Ju. He's the one that speaks to the Dai Li agents and Long Feng."

I took in what he spoke for a moment, and then let out a heavy sigh. This man was of no help at all. It was just my luck. Backing up, I fell back against the door with exhaustion. Dropping the sword to the ground, I wiped my forehead as my whole body shook. I was so tired, and my muscles ached from being thrown around so much in the last few hours.

Trying to compose myself, I looked back at the man who was surprised by my moment of weakness. I asked softly, "Why are you working for these monsters?"

He stared at me for a moment, puzzled by my question. Then he answered, "I need the money... My wife is pregnant, and I don't want our child to be born hungry. When I first took the job, I had no clue I was going to be working underneath a lake."

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