Chapter 42: The Leopard-Seal's Prey

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Chapter 42: The Leopard-Seal's Prey

The giant door shut behind me causing Zuko and Katara's desperate cries to cut off. Silence fell over the throne room, and I stood firm to try not to reveal how afraid I was. I knew Azula wanted to hurt me for knocking her around on the Drill so long ago. I'd also foiled her plans in capturing her Uncle and brother right after we'd escaped the Northern Water Tribe so long ago. She wanted revenge for the battles she'd lost, and her revenge was about to be taken on me.

After a moment, Azula broke the silence, "Someone go get me a drink. I'm parched from all this speaking." As she walked back to the front of the throne room, I was forced to turn with her by the Dai Li agent that still restrained me. Shoving me forward, I was held a few feet from Azula who watched me like a leopard-seal eying its next penguin.

"So... Crystal..." My name rolled off her tongue slowly, as if she were pondering its origin. She tapped her chin. "I'd always heard rumors that the female waterbenders of the South Pole were beauties... You disappoint me though. You're so average... like your sister... Katara, right? Honestly, I don't see what makes you so special in Zuzu's eyes. You're short and don't have much to offer. Don't you think so, Mai?" She looked back at Mai who had watched everything play out with irritation. Mai looked at Azula, and then over at me with a nod.

Azula was satisfied with her answer. "I guess you're pretty enough to have as a prisoner at the Palace though. You'd fit right in with the other war captured slave girls we've forced into servitude."

My insides boiled as fury filled me. I spoke out without pondering the circumstances. "You're a cold, heartless, sadistic monster! You and your father will pay for the pain you've caused your brother and this world!"

My outburst was amusing to her. She cackled and clapped her hands. "My, my! I like your courage. Speaking to the Princess of the Fire Nation with such defiance is a bold move. Must be the chief's daughter in you, eh?" She crossed her arms. "The daughter of a chief... Pity that title is no match to a Princess. You are worth nothing to your people... As for me, I'm the heir to the throne." She grinned. "So show me some respect. Kneel before me!"

I scowled, lifting my chin in refusal. "I won't show respect to someone who treats her brother and others like dirt. You don't deserve praise for the evil you've done. You're nothing but a rat-snake!"

She clenched her jaw as she tried to keep her boiling anger inside. "How dare you speak to me with such informality?! I said, on your knees!"

I stood firm. "You're not my Princess. I will not kneel!"

She growled and slapped me again, only this time she hit my lip with her nail splitting it open. The sting and the blood made me light headed. I licked my lip though to try and stop the bleeding.

"Kneel!" The Dai Li agent kicked at the back of my knee causing me to collapse with a cringe. As he held me down on my knees, Azula's shadow fell over me. I struggled with the rope that restrained my wrists, eager to escape from the psychotic teenager before me. "Pay respect to the Princess!"

Instead of paying respect, I stared at her stolen Kyoshi warrior shoes and spat blood at them. The iron taste left my mouth in the process, and for that I was relieved. As my blood soaked into her shoes, I heard the Dai Li official gasp from behind. Glancing up, I looked into the irate eyes of Azula with a glare. As much as I feared what she'd do to me, I kept courage and prepared for the worse. "Do whatever you want to me, Azula... But leave my sister and Zuko alone!"

She crouched down suddenly and grabbed my hair to jerk my head back again. As I tried to jerk from her hold, she brought her face inches from mine. "Oh, Crystal... Silly, peasant... I'm going to enjoy watching you scream when we get back to the Fire Nation. I have so many plans for you." Her nail traced along the outline of my scar with a grin. "Just think of the fun I'll have filling the rest of your skin with pretty marks like this one." I cringed at her touch, feeling my stomach clench with fear. She released my hair, and then stepped back. "Until then, I'm going to ask you the same question my foolish brother and your sister would not answer." She crossed her arms to show her authority. "What did the report from the Earth Kingdom generals say? Your beloved burned it as soon as he saw me."

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