Chapter 68: Merciless Melon

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Chapter 68: Merciless Melon

Sitting on the back porch steps, I sowed the last of my belt piece together. My brother and sister had kept my water pouch I'd purchased back when Sokka trained with Master Piandao. Everything had been so overwhelming over the last few weeks with not only being forced to Fire Lord Ozai, but also having to flee the Western Air Temple, I had forgotten all about it. My sister reminded me of it this morning when she was going through our things, and I was surprised. I hadn't seen it since the Assassin came with the Rough Rhinos. I had lost some weight so the belt was loose, which was why I was sowing it with deep concentration.

The group were all preparing for battle at last. Toph was practicing some advanced earthbender moves a mile from the house. Sokka was practicing some sword swings. Suki was practicing her hand-to-hand combat moves. We were all going to join back together in two hours to practice a fight simulation against the Fire Lord a mile from the house. Toph had found us a nice rocky terrain where we could practice while still being hidden from the Ember Island locals.

In the hour since Zuko had told everyone about Fire Lord Ozai's plans, Zuko had been in communication with Sage Ju by a messenger hawk, who was able to give us information on where the Fire Lord would strike. We planned to infiltrate the Fire Lord's fleet which we knew would be taking off tomorrow morning to start heading towards the Earth Kingdom. The comet was in three days, so we were very pressed on time to defeat him before he became too powerful to stop. We hoped to attack in the morning before the comet so we could stop the Fire Lord before he became too powerful. From what Sokka learned at the library, the comet would be coming later in the evening.

The only one not doing anything to prepare for battle was Katara, and that's because she was sitting beside me on the back steps stressing over the lesson Zuko was giving Aang.

"Are we sure this is a good idea?"

Katara's worry did not surprise me. We had almost lost Aang to lightning back in Ba Sing Se, so it was only understandable that Zuko's current lesson had her in a panic.

"Zuko trained with Iroh, who is one of the greatest firebenders I know. He won't let Aang get hurt. But he also isn't going to use lightning anyway. This is just to show Aang the proper moves. Relax." I placed my finished belt aside and put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

She sighed. Her eyes looked back at Zuko and Aang who were in the open space of the backyard. "I just... I don't want Aang to get hurt," Katara whispered.

"This is so he won't get hurt," I spoke softly. "Fire Lord Ozai may use a lightning strike, so it's important Aang knows how to redirect it."

Katara let out another heavy breath. "Okay..."

Zuko started to show Aang the moves, and we both watched.

"If you let the energy in your own body flow," Zuko began, stretching his left arm out and showing with the fingers on his right hand the flow he spoke of. He moved his fingers in a path down his left arm, shoulder, stomach, and then back out through his right side using his left hand to demonstrate the remaining flow. "... the lightning will follow it. You turn your opponent's energy against them."

Aang was surprised. "That's like waterbending."

Zuko nodded. "Exactly. My Uncle invented this technique himself by studying waterbenders."

Aang started to follow his movements to get the hang of the motions. As he did, he asked, "So... Have you ever redirected lightning before?"

Zuko answered, "Once. Azula shot a blast at Crystal back at the palace right before we escaped. I jumped between to save her."

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