Chapter 46: Not His Father

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Chapter 46: Not His Father

A heavy breath escaped me as I stepped out of the tent I'd just forced Katara into. It had been three days since I'd told my father to give up on the arrangement he'd made with Bato. While my father was still highly against my relationship with Zuko, he didn't bring up Areto anymore to me. I was sure he discussed many things out of earshot with Bato and the others, but I knew he wouldn't press his desires on me again. He probably realized it would be a losing battle. As for Areto, I hadn't spoken to him since the day I dropped water on him to stop his foolish match with Zuko. He'd been avoiding me like the plague, and I knew it was because he was embarrassed. Whether that embarrassment came from his foolish actions or losing to Zuko was a mystery to me though.

Looking back at the darkness of the tent, I gave a sad smile, shutting the tent flap to block out the moonlight. "Rest up, sis... I'll take care of him."

She hadn't slept but more than eight hours in the last three days, stressing over Aang who had yet to wake up. Promising I would watch over Aang for a few hours, I managed to convince her to go sleep when no one else could. Guiding her out of the tent Aang was in, I supported her exhausted body as I took her to the tent where I'd originally woken up. The sun had set an hour ago, and the moon was beginning to rise by the time I got her into the shelter and onto a sleeping mat.

As Katara laid down, I undid her tangled braid and managed to get her wavy hair free. She'd been so worried about my health and Aang's that she hadn't taken care of herself. Since my back was feeling better from her treatments, I was starting to feel like myself again. As I felt myself again, I started to get back into my older sister role. When I looked in on Katara and saw her dragging eyes and shaking frame kneeling beside Aang, I knew it was time to intervene.

Heading back across the campsite away from Katara who finally was getting the sleep she needed, I made my way towards Aang's tent where Zuko was waiting inside for me. He'd originally walked with me to check on Aang and Katara, and when we got in and saw Katara almost passing out I told him to wait there for me while I took care of her. Not liking the idea of him being alone in such a grudge holding community, I sped up my step. However, a figure stepped out of the shadow of a tent and intervened before I could make it halfway back.

Stopping abruptly, I was astounded to see Areto in my path. Astounded and also anxious. We hadn't spoken in three days, so I wasn't sure what was going on in his head. Stepping back, I looked around to see if anyone else was there. Everyone else was either scouting, smoking at the fire back at the edge of camp, or sleeping.

"Areto," I acknowledged, but then quickly tried to step around him. He stepped in my path again with crossed arms. I narrowed my eyes as I was forced to a stop. "I need to get to Aang. Can you please move?"

He shook his head, and then stated while looking away from my gaze, "I need to talk to you."

Crossing my arms as well, I tried to stay firm. "Can't we talk tomorrow morning? It's late, and Zuko's waiting for me."

Areto's jaw clenched when I mentioned Zuko, but he tried to keep his composure. "Just a moment of your time. Then I won't bother you again."

At first I wanted to refuse and tell him to get lost, but the sincerity in his voice caused me to give in. I dropped my arms in defeat, saying softly, "Fine... What do you need to say?"

"Not here." He grabbed my hand suddenly and pulled me through the campsite swiftly. I was stunned by his abrupt action, but followed him knowing that hearing him out was the best way to make him leave me alone. After a few moments, we reached the outskirts of the camp and the sound of the waves lapping against the shore filled my ears.

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