Chapter 37: Tides of Change

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Chapter 37: Tides of Change

(Third Person POV)

Staring at the note on the table, Sokka tapped on the wood in deep thought. Katara, Aang, Toph, and Momo were out hanging up flyers that had been professionally drawn by an artist in town. The flyers had pictures of Appa on them. As they were gone, Sokka was busy worrying about his twin sister. She had been gone for three days now, and he was beginning to grow concerned. The last time they were apart was when she was Zuko's prisoner. The note on the table, written in Crystal's small shaky handwriting kept Sokka on edge.

As Sokka stood from the table and began to pace the room in thought, he started to feel uncertainty within him. If Crystal were to really be staying at an inn for such a long period of time, she would've been out of money and back after the second night. Something was off about her quest to find Appa, and Sokka had a strong idea of where his sister truly was.

Sokka recalled Crystal telling everyone how Zuko and his uncle were headed to Ba Sing Se to seek refuge from the Fire Nation who were after them. As much as Sokka didn't want to believe the Fire Lord's banished son was in the city, he wouldn't be surprised.

A scowl fell over him as fury built inside him.

Crystal... She must've found Zuko and Iroh in the city! She's probably with them!

His fist tightened and he stomped over to the room he and Aang were staying in. Grabbing his machete from the corner of the small area, he tied it to his waist with a heavy breath. He prayed he was wrong about this. However, something deep within him was making him consider the possibility. He wanted to say it was his instinct, but that was usually wrong.

A knock on the door suddenly sounded, and he jumped by the interruption. Leaving the room, he walked across the main foyer up to the door. Sliding it open, he was both surprised and irritated to see Joo Dee. However, he noticed the woman who was constantly chaperoning them looked much more anxious than usual. She tried to keep a smile though as she extended a note towards Sokka.

"Hello Sokka. I am here to deliver this message to you from General Sung. I hope you find it helpful."

Without another word, she turned and left the porch headed back to the carriage at the end of the lawn. As she departed from the premises, Sokka turned and looked down at the note with puzzlement. Opening the rolled up scroll, he looked down at the writing and his eyes widened.

Your sister is in the lower ring in the seventh district. An apartment down by the Greenleaf Tea Shop. She is with a young man and is in danger. Burn this note. —JD

Horror sunk through him. Joo Dee had managed to risk her safety by getting an important note to Sokka. As he reread the woman's words over and over again, his eyes narrowed in fury.

Prince Zuko... She is definitely with Prince Zuko! If he hurts her, I'll kill him!

Turning sharply, he rushed over to a candle in the room and shoved the scroll over the blazing flame. The parchment lit up and began to break down as the fire ate away the material turning it to ash. Once the note was destroyed, Sokka scribbled another note down on a piece of paper for the others.

Crystal needs me. I'll be back soon.—Sokka

Placing the parchment down in the center of the table, Sokka grabbed his boomerang from where it had been placed on the same table and put it in the slot behind his back where it belonged.

As he turned to head towards the door, he said with narrowed eyes, "I'm coming, Crys."

Crystal POV

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