Chapter 22: Black Flakes

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Chapter 22: Black Flakes

Sitting by the fire, I looked at the dancing flames while gripping my wooden cup tight in my hands. Where the cup came from, I decided better than to ask Zuko or Iroh. The day had passed by with us journeying further through the Earth Kingdom. I wasn't exactly sure what our intended destination was, but since I had nowhere else to go I decided to blindly follow. We journeyed for about eight hours, and then decided to make camp again. I'd promised Zuko I'd tell him everything after dinner. He was impatient to know my story, but I asked him to wait a little bit longer.

Since I had promised Zuko I'd tell him about my scars, I'd been pretty absentminded through the course of the day. After Zuko and I had gotten some sleep the night before, he asked me that next morning if I was going to share my story. That was when I told him he'd know everything after dinner. I didn't want to tell my story and then be forced to dwell over everything as we walked through the Earth Kingdom. I preferred to tell my story at night, so when I was done I could go to sleep and sink away from my pain and sorrow.

Iroh wasn't at all oblivious to my silent mood during our journey. He questioned me on my absentmindedness, and I simply told him the truth. When he said he too desired to know the story behind my scar, I felt ready to tell him too. I don't know why, but I felt at ease with the thought that Iroh would know the horrors of my past as well.

Of course, I also felt guilty. Would telling Zuko and Iroh before my family be betrayal?

When we did finally make camp for the night, Zuko mentioned something about going to get food and disappeared for an hour. When he returned, he came back with a bag full of random goodies. I knew he stole them, but I decided I didn't feel like having the same conversation I had with him the night before. The Ostrich-horse that slept behind me was still stolen property I tried not to mention.

Speaking of the ostrich-horse, I'd decided to at least name the creature, and so I called him Zan. Iroh loved the name, and Zuko didn't complain.

Zan took a liking to me almost instantly; of course, I think it was because in the morning I snuck him some moonpeaches from the pile I had gathered before Zuko and Iroh awoke. Ever since then, Zan followed me around, nuzzled me with his beak, and sat beside me whenever we needed to rest. Zuko noticed and asked if I was an animal whisperer. I joked with him and asked if he was just jealous I had a new boyfriend. Iroh laughed at my comment. Zuko rolled his eyes and told me he wasn't willing to share. His comment made me blush.

However, the mood was no longer light-hearted after dinner. Zan curled around me as he slept, and I enjoyed the warmth as his feathers brushed against me. Zuko and Iroh sat across the fire, both of them holding their own cups of tea in their hands. We were drinking Chamomile Tea, which was made in a pot that Zuko had brought us. I once again didn't comment on the stolen goods.

As the fire continued to rage before my eyes, I glanced over at Zuko and Iroh who were waiting for me to speak. They were silent, knowing I would begin when I was ready. With a deep breath, I looked back at the fire as the memories seeped back in.

"Before I begin, you two should know that I've never told this story to anyone... I always thought about telling my family the events that occurred, but I didn't want to afflict them with such horrors. The pain and despair I experienced was something I always felt I needed to bear alone." I shut my eyes hard as tears threatened to fall. "The thought of my family hearing about the things I went through made me uneasy. My dad was already hurting enough... The last thing I needed was him suffering more..."

I looked back at my two companions who waited patiently for me to begin. Zuko gripped his cup tight as he was both eager and nervous to hear my scars' origins. Placing my cup down, I pulled my knees to my chest for comfort as I prepared to let it all out. My skin tingled where the scars painted my flesh as I recounted everything that occurred leading up to my permanent marks.

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