Chapter 58: The Endless Night: Part 1

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Chapter 58: The Endless Night: Part 1

The world around me seemed to close in. My body was stiff and my lungs tight as I realized I didn't know how to react. The Fire Lord stood before me, his dark gold eyes seeming to pierce through my soul like a jagged knife. He had already threatened to hurt my people if I tried to run, so in order to protect the ones I love I had to be brave. I could not show him I was afraid. I would not grant him that privilege.

Of course, hiding your fear is impossible when the leader of your greatest enemy stands before you. I'd heard rumors of Fire Lord Ozai from the tales that carried through my small tribe. I'd learned of his true cruelty from the stories that Zuko and Iroh told me during our travels. Every description of the man before me was something horrible, and I could see from his appearance he was a callous person indeed.

The Fire Lord before me was the very man that burned and banished the love of my life. He promoted Zhao and sent his men to try and wipe out the rest of my people. He sent an assassin after me... He was the cause of pain and suffering over the last few years across all nations.

The Fire Lord looked me over from head to toe in silent observation. His judgment only made me wish I were invisible. His eyes scanning over me felt like fire moving across my skin. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined I'd ever be in this monster's lair.

Being Zuko's prisoner, I suppose I'd always assumed I'd convince him to let me go. Being Zhao's prisoner, I believed deep down I'd be saved. Now as I stood before the very leader that caused the course my life had taken, I realized I should've always assumed this would happen. I should've anticipated that I'd end up in the chamber of my greatest enemy. I should've prepared myself for my inevitable destiny of facing the ruthless ruler of the Fire Nation.

Finally, after a long and endless silence, Ozai stepped forward with his hands behind his back and victory etched across his dark expression.

"Finally, we meet at last... the young woman who stole my son's heart and his loyalty is in my presence..." He smirked. "It's Crystal, correct?" He spoke my name in a way which radiated shivers down my spine. He didn't wait for me to respond. "I'm thrilled to finally have one out of two of the last waterbenders of the Southern Water Tribe under my control. You and your sister have evaded my men for far too long." He crossed his arms over his chest as he observed me. "I was informed almost six years ago that my father's men killed the last waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe. But it turns out they only killed a woman protecting the true targets. I must say, I'm disappointed they were so easily fooled. Your sister was a lucky little waterbender that day..." He stared at my scar. "However, you did not get to share her fortune it seems."

The fact he knew about my sister did not surprise me. However, him mentioning her existence and wishing she had died made me grit my teeth. This man had no right to speak of her.

He noticed my glower, and he was intrigued. "Protective of your family, I see. That's one thing that sets you apart from Zuko. My son turned against his sister and I. He left his Uncle behind. Clearly, he does not value family like you."

His verbal attack towards Zuko made me defensive. "You speak foolishly. Zuko regrets everyday leaving Iroh behind. You don't know anything about him."

My defiance amused Ozai further. He broke the distance and I was amazed that my knees didn't give out right then and there as the monster approached. As Ozai stood not even a foot in front of me to survey me from head to toe, I could see nothing of resemblance to that of his son. Zuko and his father were nothing alike, and this relieved me.

"I was wondering when I'd get to finally hear your voice. You've been so silent since you were brought here I feared you were going to be a bore. The rumors were true though... It's quite beautiful... Your voice, I mean." He frowned. "I'm afraid you are right about my lack of understanding towards Prince Zuko. When I banished my son, I did not realize that doing so would break his loyalty to me." He shook his head. "I'd received word from Prince Zuko months ago that he was pursuing the Avatar and that he had a waterbender to bring to me as well once he captured the boy." He sneered. "Then not even a month after that letter, I received another from Admiral Zhao that my son had fallen for his waterbending prisoner... Of course, I can understand why. My son was always a fool. Too compassionate to those lower than him. His mother taught him the ways of her upbringing. That sentiment is what makes him weak."

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