Chapter 53: Sea Ravens: Part 2

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Chapter 53: Sea Ravens: Part 2

(Crystal POV)

Staring at the shut door before me, I pulled my hood further over my head to conceal my identity. My sister stood to my right, while Zuko stood to my left. We were all dressed in dark clothes, and Katara and Zuko wore a dark cloak like my own to hide their identity as well. The moon hung above us in its almost full form, lighting our path and sending our shadows against the door.

My brother had argued profusely against doing what we were about to do. He told me that he was concerned about my mental well being, and he didn't want me to get hurt. I wavered when he voiced this to me, but quickly reminded myself that he had every right to feel this way. I'd made him suffer through each nightmare I faced those days after mom was killed. He'd heard me scream. He'd heard me cry. He probably feared it would happen again.

The nightmares wouldn't return though. I planned to defeat my past this time. My strength was here, and I would defeat the man who took so much from me. I reassured my brother that I would be okay in the end. He still looked concerned though.

Katara placed a hand on my shoulder, and I met her gaze with knowing. She nodded to me as if to tell me the time was now. Taking in a heavy breath, I knocked on the door before me.

Three hard raps, and then a moment of long painful silence.

As I went to knock again, fearing my first may have not been heard, the door opened as I raised my hand and I swiftly dropped it in surprise. As the door opened, a voice snapped, "Who is it?!" The shopkeeper came into view, his face shadowed from the fire light behind him. As he stared at the three of us with question, he met my gaze and understanding fell over him. "Hey... Wait a second... You're that girl from before. What are you-?"

Zuko took action. Stepping forward and grabbing the man by the shirt. He shoved him back into the house, and Katara and I quickly followed behind. The man gasped, stumbling backward and falling onto the wood of his floor. "Hey!" He went to get back up, but Zuko pointed his broadsword down at him stopping him. I was unsettled by our use of force, but knew it was the best way to get the answer we needed.

"Don't scream," Zuko ordered. Katara shut the door behind us, and the only light from the room was a lantern on the table. "We won't hurt you as long as you answer our questions."

A whimper sounded in the room then, and my eyes shot to the corner where I was stunned to see we weren't alone. A woman sat against the the wall, her eyes wide with horror as she held a young boy in her arms. They both were terrified as they watched us invade their home and threaten their family.

"Wha- wha do you want? I-I have money, but not much... Please... please don't hurt me," the man begged.

"We don't want money!" Katara stepped forward, pointing over to me. "You remember her from today, so this shouldn't be a surprise. We need to know where Yon Rha is located."

He was stunned, and his gaze shot around at the three of us with uncertainty. Then he looked back at me with question. "Who- who are you?"

Sighing heavily, I stepped up and took my hood down. Then crossing my arms, I answered honestly, "I'm one of the uncaptured waterbenders you spoke of earlier." His jaw dropped as he stared at me as if seeing me for the first time. "And I'm looking for the man who you claim captured my mom."

Understanding fell over him, and then he scoot back. "Yo-you're the one who broke the pot earlier?!"

Katara scowled. "You're lucky she didn't break you!"

Zuko and I looked at her with surprise from the sudden threat. I put my hand on her forearm and shook my head. When she met my gaze, I gestured to the woman and child in the room who were watching with fear. She was surprised, but calmed and backed up with a huff. Turning back to the man, I answered, "Your tale was wrong... The man you spoke of before... Yon Rha... He definitely was no good man."

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