Chapter 55: Dark Craters: Part 1

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Chapter 55: Dark Craters: Part 1

(Crystal POV)


Staring at the spot where Sokka dropped his bag, I shook my head in disbelief. We'd flown from Hama's a few hours ago, and once the sun finally rose we landed Appa in a crater hidden from curious eyes. We were all ready for some much needed rest. After Sokka, Toph, Aang, and Zuko freed the villagers from Hama's cave prison, and Katara and I managed to stop Hama from her madness, we left quickly afraid the villagers would come for us since we weren't Fire Nation.

As we flew away, I assured my family I would never use bloodbending again. Everyone tried to reassure me that everything which had occurred was not in my control. A little ironic since Hama was completely in my control. I decided to drop the matter though, knowing they wouldn't let me beat myself up over it. Zuko kept reassuring me that it made him think nothing more of me. I was just a beautiful waterbender that saved his life again. That did make me feel better.

After we flew for a few hours, we arrived at an area where three different craters stood. Once we landed in the largest crater, Sokka went to find the best place for his sleeping bag, acting like it was the hardest task of his life. Zuko and I watched him with amusement from where we stood by Appa as Sokka walked around the crater in deep thought, while the others ignored him getting their own belongings.

"Here is where I will sleep! I stake my claim on this pile of rocks! Any objections? I didn't think so!" He rolled out his bag then, and smoothed out the wrinkles. "Anyone has an issue with it, well too bad and so sad."

Zuko smiled at Sokka's action, and then nudged me to tell me to pay attention. He grabbed his own sleeping mat, walked over to Sokka's, dropped his beside the open mat, and said, "Cool. I'll take this spot."

My brother jumped up in protest. "What?! No way! You can't sleep that close to me! There's tons of other spots!"

Zuko ignored him and smoothed his mat out parallel to Sokka's. "Yeah, but this one is the flattests and has the nicest view of the sky."

"The sky is above us! You can see it everywhere!" Sokka looked over at me for help, but I just shrugged trying my hardest not to burst into laughter. I'd never seen Zuko so at ease before, joking around like someone his age would. It was good to see him in such a good mood.

"What's the big deal? We sleep this close on Appa other nights!" Zuko was egging him on, and the rest of the group was listening also. "Or would you rather I just put my mat by Crystal?"

Immediately, Sokka's cheeks turned red. "No! That's a definite no!"

Toph smirked. "Why, Sokka? Not ready to be an uncle?"

This time my cheeks went red, and Zuko looked like he was a bright turnip. Sokka was horrified and then pointed at Zuko. "You better not make any babies until I say you can!"

"Oh my spirits! Can we stop talking about this?" I covered my eyes and shook my head. Toph burst into laughter.

Aang chimed in over Toph's cackles. "I think Zuko and Crystal would make a cute family."

"I do admit, it would be pretty awesome to be an aunt one day," Katara spoke from where she was listening.

"Yes. One day!" Sokka exclaimed. "Not tonight."

Toph had stopped laughing and spoke again. "You never know what could happen under a starry sky?"

Glaring at Toph, I snapped at her, "Nothing is happening!"

Sokka agreed. "You're absolutely right! Because tonight, Zuko is sleeping with me!"

An awkward pause fell over the camp, and we stared at Sokka with disbelief. Toph however broke the silence by bursting into laughter again. My sister joined in while Aang looked puzzled. Zuko picked up his mat walking a good distance from Sokka. My brother went red from his own embarrassment. "That's not what I meant!" He looked over at me for help. "You know what I meant, Crystal!"

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