Chapter 70: Destiny

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Probably two more chapters after this one... Thanks again for reading!

Chapter 70: Destiny

As the sky started to lighten from the approach of dawn, I opened my eyes to find I was still resting in Zuko's arms against Zan from the night before. Zuko was awake, his eyes staring out into the distance as he was lost to his thoughts. His hand was brushing through my hair absentmindedly, and while the sensation was very soothing and I welcomed his touch, I was concerned about him. I was certain he had a lot on his mind: He had to fight his sister today to take back his home... He would lead a whole nation as Fire Lord once we defeated Azula and Ozai... I was certain he was both excited and scared of the unforeseeable future ahead.

"Did you sleep?"

My soft voice broke through his deep thought, and he looked down at me with surprise. He hadn't felt me wake up, distracted by what was to come.

"Yeah," he finally answered after a breath. "I just woke up a few minutes ago. I didn't want to move and wake you. Sokka came over and let me know we'll all be heading out in an hour."

I nodded. Pulling from him slightly, I brushed my fingers on his cheek taking in his warmth. "You seemed lost in your thoughts just now... anything you want to talk about?"

He gave a half-smile, brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Just thinking about what will happen when we defeat my father and sister today. I'll be Fire Lord... it's a big responsibility."

I nodded. I dropped my head back against his chest, and he hugged me again. "You are going to be amazing, Zuko... and I'll be there to support you anyway I can... I don't know much about the Fire Nation, or how to lead, but I'm willing to learn so I can help you in the years to come."

He sighed. "You don't need to worry about that, Crystal... I don't expect you to change who you are, or to try to learn everything about the Fire Nation. As long as you're by my side, I'll be strong enough to handle any trial brought our way. But, I know without a doubt that you will be a wonderful Fire Lady and the Fire Nation will adore you."

My heart warmed by his reassurance. I nodded against him. "I'm ready to face anything if it means we can be together. I don't want this to end... I want to spend so many more years with you."

"This won't be the end," he spoke with confidence. "I've come too far to lose you now. Once this war ends today, you and I can finally start our life together... Nothing will come between us again..." He slowly released me. "We should probably get ready though. We have a long day of flying ahead of us."

I nodded. Getting on my knees, I turned and cupped his cheek. My thumb brushed the area where his scar began. "Today, the people who have hurt you will pay for their cruelty."

He moved his head towards me. His gold eyes burned into my azure with determination. "And those same people will never harm you again."

He pressed his lips against my own, and I took in his touch. As our breaths mixed together, I felt my fears and uncertainties fade away. Today would not be the end. I felt hopeful that this was only the beginning.

Once Zuko and I finally got up, and Zan walked off to go find some breakfast, I headed to the stream outside of camp to wash my face, make sure my pouch was filled, and try to calm my pounding heart.

I was determined... but I was also nervous. Despite the hope I felt a few moments before, there was still part of me that feared something could go wrong. Today was our last chance to end this war. If we did not succeed, chaos would ensue across the land. Many would die. Our people would be slaughtered. The Fire Lord planned to wipe out anyone who resisted him, and if Aang did not stop him then he would surely destroy everything.

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