Chapter 61: The Mend

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Chapter 61: The Mend

(Third Person POV)

The darkness of the cold cell revealed the horrible position in which Iroh had found himself. The older man looked from afar like a lost soul as he sat in his cell not speaking a word to any guard who brought food or water. His hair was loose and his clothes were torn. The last guard who entered found Iroh staring open mouthed at his cuffed hands like he had lost all senses. The scene was truly a sad sight to anyone who passed, and some of the guards looked upon the once great man with pity. They wished they could help him, but they knew doing so was treason. Instead, they walked by the madman's cell trying not to think of him.

Of course when Iroh was alone, he dropped his insanity by sitting straight and refined. His madman act was all part of his plan to have the warden and other guards not pay mind to him on the day of the invasion. He wanted to take his captors by surprise. He knew he had to remain strong if he were to escape on the Day of the Black Sun. His allies from The White Lotus were already working on his escape, preparing the ship for get away and scoping out the best exits.

Iroh had done well during his time in the cells. Although some of the guards insulted him, there was a very nice female guard named Ming who treated him kindly. He was not fearful of the dark around him, and knew very soon there would be light.

He had heard from the young male guard who was helping to spy for him that about an hour ago Prince Zuko had saved the waterbender captured by Ozai and escaped the palace. When Iroh had originally heard Crystal had been captured and brought to the palace, he immediately sent a message to his spies and to Lady Sun about his desire for the girl to be looked after.

Ever since taking Crystal under his wing, Iroh had come to see her as a daughter. He greatly worried for her wellbeing when he learned she was being forced to his brother as a prisoner. He knew Ozai would not show the young waterbender mercy.

When Tru- a young guard and new member of The White Lotus- finally came and told Iroh that Crystal was safe, the man felt he could breathe again at last.

Now as he sat in his cell alone, he hoped that the two teenagers he cared greatly for were far away from this place. He heard from Tru that Crystal was greatly injured and weakened from her time under Ozai's wrath. He had also been informed that she was forced to sing and dance, something he knew she had not done of her own free will. It sickened him to hear all of this and not be able to stop his younger brother. But Ozai was not his fight. Avatar Aang needed to defeat him. So Iroh could only sit in his cell with guilt towards not being able to save Crystal.

But Iroh was proud to hear only a few hours after the unfortunate news of her capture that Zuko had made the right decision upon his arrival and snatched Crystal away. The light was beginning to show through the cracks. His nephew had grown so much over the last few months. Crystal had truly returned to Iroh the nephew he had once known when Ursa was in the palace long ago. Iroh had thought the young tender-hearted boy he had cared for as a child was long gone and a permanent stubborn prince was all that remained. He was thrilled that the caring and compassionate young man had returned after years of mental and physical abuse by Ozai. And he had Crystal to thank for it all.

"Hey! You have a visitor," the warden suddenly snapped through the grate on the door to Iroh's confinement. Iroh made no response, although on the inside he was curious.

The door to the cell chamber opened, and Ozai stepped into the room with great distaste towards the older brother locked and cuffed before him. He walked towards the cell door and grabbed the bars with a sneer. "Hello brother. It's been, what? Three years?"

Ozai took in Iroh's state with satisfaction. He was thrilled to see that he was truly in a better standing than his brother now. Iroh had always been valued for his victories as a General. But now his brother was nothing but a mindless body in a dark cell. Ozai reveled in the thought that he had won.

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