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Zaya POV

My heart dropped into my stomach and I began to hyperventilate, my adrenaline kicked into overdrive. But by the grace of God, I calm down, just enough to ask him this one question.

Zaya: Where are you?


I looked at the bubble waiting for a reply but it never came. Instead my phone rang with an unfamiliar number, but I knew it was him.

"H-he- Hello."I answered above a whisper.

"Come to the window again... please." You would have thought after all this time I would have forgotten his voice. I just held the phone listening to his soft breathing while he asked again. First my right then my left foot made their way to meet his gaze once more. I peered out of the window and there he was in a black pinstripe suit with his signature fedora, immediately our eyes locked. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. "What is the apartment number? I'm bringing you home."

"I gotta go." I hung up the phone, looking at Michael, who was making his way to the building. I then ran to wake up Iris to tell her we need to go.

"Girl what... what's wrong?" She asked, in a drunken stupor.

"Blu is here, and he's trying to get me and there's no tellin what he's gonna do to you." That woke her up real quick.

"The fuck he found... it ws Ray wasn-." I covered her mouth when I heard the door open.

"Zaya, come out now. Don't make me come find you." He said in a calm tone, as we hid in the bathroom. It's a good thing our bathrooms lead to each other's room. The only problem is we can't hear his footsteps. "Iris... ol Iris I know you can hear me tell your bestie to come with me. It would make me oh, so happy if you comply.

"How the hell does he know...where is your phone?" When she asked that we both looked down and it was just our luck it rang. I hurried up and silenced it, but it was too late I knew he heard the phone.

"Run!" She whispered yell but I grabbed her before she could go anywhere.

"Are you stupid if you go dashing out of here, he's gonna know we are in here and he just may shoot you or both of us."

"Then what are we supposed to do Einstein wait... call 911 the'll help us." I just looked at her. She is of no help God please get us away from this mad man. I thought, holding my best friend who was crying.

"Keep it down you crying too loud." I asked her, then we heard a knock at the door. We knew it was him so we made our way to the other bedroom.

"Ladies I know you're in there come out of there now." He said, in a frustrated tone jiggling the door knob.

We slowly made our way to the door, thankfully he left it open and we grabbed the keys running as fast as our legs could carry us. We got in the car and drove like a bat out of hell.

Two Month Later

After Blu tried to abduct me we successfully got away, we had slept in the car that night. We had no choice, it was either go with him or run out of there. Thankfully Iris had a friend and she let us stay for a little bit. While staying there Blu constantly calls and texts, all of them when unanswered. On the flip side me and Luke have been conversing. Turns out he's not that bad, but still first impressions are everything, at least for me. Also, I must say I like his vibe. We are even talking about meeting up and hangin out this weekend. But a part of me is nervous because of Blu still being out there and could appear at any given moment. I lay my head back thinking about moving out of that apartment. Iris is looking for one but who's to say she's not being watched... that's it, she could look for one openly to throw them off while I look for one online. I thought while getting out my phone. Thank God I had a spare charger. I turn it on and sigh again to see some more missed calls and texts from Blu.

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