Theon Greyjoy X Baratheon!Reader - When I Grow Up

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'When I Grow Up' by The Pussycat Dolls. The reader is the true born daughter of Robert Baratheon, but by a wife he had before he married Cersei. I hope you all enjoy it.

Ever since you were a little girl you had wished that you could be Queen. It wasn't exactly a large step up in the world. You'd been a princess from the moment you had been pulled from your mother's body, and still, you had as little hope of sitting on the throne as any low born woman. 

Of course, it probably would have helped if you had actually seen your Father since he had remarried. It was a pretty smart move on his new wife's part, send the King's only other legitimate child as far away as possible with the excuse of rearing her into a Princess worth marrying, and keep her from meddling with his new family. 

You had been pouting when Theon had finally come in from the training yard, smelling ripe and looking like he had spent the whole session rolling in the muck. You wrinkled your nose when he came to join you, slumping down across the table from you looking pretty pleased with himself. 

"Have you ever heard of a bath?" you uttered, shaking your head in pure disgust. "You smell like death," you added, reaching up to pinch your nose. 

"Sorry Princess," Theon muttered, rolling his eyes. "I wasn't aware the scent of a man would offend your delicate sensibilities." 

You snorted slightly. "A man?" you chuckled. "Is that what you think you are?" 

He poked his tongue out at you, causing another chuckle to fall from your lips. "I was doing you a favour," he pressed on. "You looked like you were thinking too hard about something, and we both know how dangerous that can be."

"How kind of you," you muttered, shaking your head at his comment. "I was just thinking about how I would quite like to be the Queen," you added, falling short when he snorted at you.

"The only way you would be Queen is if you marry a King," he told you. "And unless you intend to marry your own brother-"

"Half-brother," you interrupted quickly. "And of course I don't intend to marry him, he's a half-wit."

"So how is it you think you'll become the Queen?" 

You paused for a moment, giving a short shrug. "If the right people die, it'll be much easier than you would think." 

"Oh," he started, nodding along. "So you're going to turn into a murderous maniac? Sounds about right."

"Don't be an idiot. I don't intend to murder anyone."  You ran your fingertips over your temples, working away the stress-headache that was beginning to form. "It was just a thought, and you were the one who wanted to know what I was thinking about." 

Theon found himself smiling whilst you pressed your eyes closed, still thinking. "You know, I'm going to be a King." 

"The Iron Islands aren't their own kingdom," you corrected. "Your family lost in the rebellion, remember?" 

"My father-"

"Your father is a vulgarian who cared more about his position in the world than he did about keeping your family safe," you interrupted, finally opening your eyes to look at him properly. "He isn't a King; he's lucky to still have a lordship." 

Theon looked a little hurt for a moment, and then gave a short shrug. "Doesn't stop him from ruling the Iron Islands though, does it?" 

You pouted, quirking an eyebrow at him. "I guess not." 

*Time Skip*

You were grinning as you walked down the hallways of Winterfell, headed for the courtyard. It had been years since you had seen your father last, and you were more excited than you had ever been for anything. Gods, you were practically skipping along. 

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