Euron Greyjoy X Queen!Baratheon!Reader - Champion

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A/N - This chapter is based loosely on the song 'Champion' by Fall Out Boy. I hope you all enjoy it.

"It's an honour to be in your presence, Your Grace," the man in front of you started, a smirk spreading across his lips as his eyes roamed over you. "I'm sure there has never been a prettier monarch," he continued.

Seven Hells, if you had rolled your eyes any harder they likely would have fallen out of their sockets. "What do you want?" The words came out short and slightly dismissive, an attempt to leave the man in front of you on the back foot. You quirked an eyebrow, waiting for an answer.

"I have come to bend the knee," he uttered, watching as you narrowed your eyes at him.

"At what cost?" 

His smile grew and he gave a short chuckle. "Smart and beautiful," he murmured, his tongue running over his teeth.

"Don't waste my time, Greyjoy. I'm a busy woman," you started, sighing as you turned to glance over at your mother for a moment. "What is it you want?" you repeated, finally returning your eyes to him and forcing a small smile. "Money? Land? Titles? Whores? Name your price."

Euron hummed, shifting on the spot for a moment, staring down at his feet. "A wife," he finally stated, a smirk on his lips as he looked back up at you. He had successfully caught you off guard, you had to give him that much. 

You took a deep breath, quickly regaining your composure. "Any old wife?" you uttered. "I have a great deal of pretty young maids who would make you a wonderful salt wife."

A snort of laughter made you fall silent, and you found yourself scowling down at the man in front of you. "I didn't say salt wife," he started, taking a few steps closer to you, only for your uncle to move between the two of you. Euron let out another bark of laughter, craning his neck to look around Jaime, his eyes catching yours. "And I don't want any old wife."

You rolled your eyes again, shaking your head. 

"You must realise, that as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Y/N had received a lot of proposals," your mother murmured, her brow furrowed as she moved forward to stand at your side. "What makes you think she would choose you?"

Euron shrugged, pacing away from you for a moment, putting some space between himself and your uncle. "For my ships," he started, his lips quirking into a small smile. "Or maybe because none of those little lords would ever be enough to satisfy a woman like her."

Jaime was practically growling now, his glare set on Euron, burning into his skin. 

"How dare-"

You held up a hand, silencing your mother before she could berate him fully. 

"What makes you think you're any different to the other Lords? From where I stand, the only thing of note is your ego, which, in all honesty, I'm not all too fond of." You paused for a moment, your own smirk painting your lips. "Another all talk no action fool who thinks that he rules the world. At the end of the day, in spite of all of your very entertaining bravado, you wouldn't be able to control me and it would drive you insane." 

Euron's tongue darted out, wetting his lips as he watched you carefully. "Who said anything about controlling you?" Your smile dropped at that, your mind reeling as you attempted to stay on top of the conversation. "I want a wife, not a servant." 

"As refreshing as that sounds-"

"The Dragon Queen will come to these shores on my niece and nephew's ships, whether you marry me or not. At least with me on your side, you stand a chance of surviving her."

You glanced over at your mother again, watching as she shook her head slightly, and releasing a soft sigh. "As I'm sure you've noticed," you uttered, turning back to face Euron properly. "My mother is thoroughly against the idea." You swallowed, your brow furrowing. "But it seems we have very little choice."

"I can make you a very happy woman."

You snorted slightly, holding back the urge to roll your eyes once more. You got to your feet, approaching him slowly and holding out your hand to him. "Believe me when I say I intend to make your life utterly miserable," you murmured.

Euron's smile spread as he took your outstretched hand, holding you in place for a moment. "I love it when you talk dirty for me, My Love." 

Your eyes met his, a small smile pulling at your lips. "Win me this war and I'll give you a real reason to love me," you uttered, slipping your hand out of his. "Get to work, Greyjoy," you added, turning on your heel and marching out of the room followed closely by your mother and your uncle, each protesting the decision you had just made so effortlessly.

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