Jaime Lannister X Stark!Reader - Take Me Home

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Take Me Home, Country Roads' by John Denver. The reader is the sister of Eddard Stark. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had never truly felt like you belonged in the South. Even in the winter it was too warm for your liking, not to mention how out of place you looked in the summer, sweating and flustered, even when wearing practically nothing. Your husband had always teased you about it when you were younger. In fact, Jaime had always teased you about a lot of things that related to your northernness. He loved doing his impersonation of your accent, tittering along with stereotypical idioms until he had you giggling at his foolishness. It had been sweet really, his attempts to make you happy when you were so clearly out of your element. 

It wasn't until your brother had come to the capital that you had realised just how wrong the south was for you. You would sit with his daughters and listen to the accent you had lost and the term you had shoved out of your vocabulary, and it made your heart heavy. King's Landing wasn't home, it never had been and it likely never would be. 

"I think we should go to Winterfell," you had murmured one evening as you ran a comb through your hair. You paused for a moment to glance over at Jaime, who was watching you with a small smile. 

"Don't you think Ned would be offended? He's here for all of five minutes and you decide it's time to visit his home without him?" 

Your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip as you set the comb down on the vanity, placing your hands in your lap. "I didn't mean for a visit," you uttered softly. "We've spent so long here, I think it's about time we lived there for a while." 


"Just for a little while," you began again, silencing him before he could properly get his words out. "I know your father wants us at Casterly Rock soon, I just wanted to do this before we lose the chance-"

Jaime stood as you rattled on, striding across the room and pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Okay," he told you softly, his hand moving to cup your cheek tenderly. "We'll speak with Ned, and we can figure something out." 

The sweet smile you sent him caused his heart to skip, and you quickly drew him down into a proper kiss. 

*Time Skip*

As you rode towards Winterfell, your breath was knocked from your lungs. It was exactly as you remembered it, and you swallowed around the lump in your throat as you attempted to take in each and every detail, committing it to memory. 

You pulled your horse to a stop, climbing down from the saddle and sending your husband a small smile. 

"What're you up to?" he murmured, his eyes narrowing as he watched you carefully. 

"Just appreciating the snow," you told him, kicking your feet through the icy whiteness to make your point more clear.

Jaime hummed, giving a short nod. "You northerners are so obsessed with your snow," he uttered, a small chuckle escaping him as he returned his attention to the place that would be his home for the next year. 

You smiled as you went about gathering up some of the snow in your hands, compacting it into a thick ball. "That's because it's good for so many things," you started, hiding the snowball behind you as you moved back towards your horse. 

"Name one thing snow is good for," he demanded, shaking his head as he smiled at your comment. 

You hummed softly. "It makes a pretty good weapon," you started, causing him to glance in your direction with furrowed brows before the snowball smacked him in the shoulder. For a moment, you thought that maybe he would shake his head, maybe complain about the damp stain on his arm, perhaps he would even lecture you on safety whilst on horse back. But you were surprised when a bubble of laughter escaped him and he jumped from his horse, gathering up snow in his hands and he attempted to find some cover. 

You squealed when he let his first snowball fly, missing you by an inch as you ducked out of its way. After that it was all out war, with your handmade weapons flying this way and that. In all honesty, you hadn't been so giddy since you were a teenager.

You were still giggling wildly when the next one made contact, causing you to trip over your own feet and into the snow. When you finally sat up, your hair damp and your nose red, Jaime was running around with his arms in the air, celebrating his victory. 

"Help me up," you cried out, holding your arms out to him until he came and pulled you back to your feet, cradling you close. 

"Is this what you do for fun in the north?" he murmured, lifting your hands to his mouth to breathe some warmth into them. 

You nodded slightly. "When we were children we used to love snow wars," you started with a small chuckle. "We used to play in teams. Me, Lyanna, and Brandon versus Ned and Benjen."

"I can see why you missed it so much," he uttered, leaning in and pressing a kiss to your forehead. You wrapped your arms around his middle, burrowing closer to him. "Come, we should get you out of the cold."

You chuckled slightly, letting him lead you towards your horse. "I'm a northerner. I'm used to the cold."

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