Young!Robert Baratheon X Tyrell!Reader - You're Welcome

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'You're Welcome' From Moana. In this one, Reader is an imagined younger sibling of Mace Tyrell, who I imagine would be a carbon copy of Olenna. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Just try to keep your opinions to yourself," Mace hummed, fidgeting slightly beside you as you continued staring out of the window of the carriage. He let out a loud sigh when he realised that you hadn't been listening to a word he'd been saying. "Y/N, Robert Baratheon is going to be a very powerful man when he takes over his house, and if you're going to be his wife-"

"I don't want to be his wife," you interrupted, slumping back in your seat with a grumble. "From the stories I've heard, he's a self-absorbed drunk with no regard for the people around him. Why would I want to be married to a man like that?"

Mace looked physically pained by your attitude, his brow furrowed and face contorted in frustration. He had told your mother that it would be better if she were to attend your meeting with you both, but she had made it very clear that if he couldn't handle you, he wouldn't be able to handle being the head of House Tyrell, and that was enough to send him off without her. And now, he was realising that maybe he wasn't cut out for it at all. Seven Hells, you were one of the most argumentative, contrary people he had ever met, and even after a childhood of learning your personality, he still hadn't figured out how to wrangle you. 

"Stories," he repeated. "You've never even met him."

Your head tilted to the side slightly, your focus on your brother. "No, but you have," you agreed softly. "So tell me, is Robert Baratheon as arrogant as the stories make him sound?" 

He paused for a moment. "No, he's-"

"Liar," you interrupted. "Your eye is practically twitching out of your head, which means you're lying," you told him. "Which means that he's every bit as horrendous as the stories make him sound."

"It's been a long time since I've seen him. We were basically children back then," he attempted to correct you, letting a soft sigh slip out when you raised an eyebrow at him. "Please, just meet him and try to be polite. Mother will kill me if you come back with him completely detesting you for being you."

"I think you should be more concerned about me hating him," you murmured.

Mace snorted. "You hate everyone. I'd be surprised if you didn't hate him."

*Time Skip*

"Lord Baratheon," Mace started, holding his hand out in greeting. "I haven't seen you since we were in the capital last," he pressed on, a bright grin on his face as you watched them both silently. Robert's eyes had been on you the moment you'd stepped into the room, scanning over you as if he was checking you were up to his standards before you could even say a word. And then he'd smiled and sent you a wink, and he was falling into easy conversation with your brother. 

"You know better than to use formalities with me, Mace," he hummed, clapping your brother on the shoulder so hard that he stumbled forwards slightly. "And this must be your sister," he added, his tongue running over his bottom lip when he smile down at you. 

Mace seemed to shake himself out of some sort of stupor as he glanced back at you. "Oh yes," he started, taking a step back and gesturing his hands in your direction. "Robert, this is Y/N."

"It's a pleasure," he told you, pressing a delicate kiss to the back of your hand. You nodded slightly, plastering a faux smile onto your face whilst you internally kicked yourself for allowing your mother to talk you into even meeting with the man in front of you. "She's pretty," he started, turning his attention back to Mace. "But it seems she's gone completely mute. I'll take it as a compliment." 

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