Robb Stark X Baratheon!Reader - Stay

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Stay by Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs. Reader is the trueborn daughter of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister and this is set when they go to Winterfell in the first season of GoT. I hope you all enjoy it, even if it is a little bit shorter than usual.

Your mother had been very clear before you'd left your chambers for the evening, that you weren't to stay out late. It was unseemly for a Princess to be seen hanging around until the end of the night, or so she had told you, and it would be even worse if you were seen indulging in a place like this. She had never been fond of the North, even if she had never had to travel there before, and she was trying her hardest to pass on the feeling to you, though you were already starting to doubt her judgement. 

Initially, you had been intending to do as you were told. One drink. A little bit of food. Maybe a dance or two. And then you would have been perfectly content with heading back to your chambers. 

But then the oldest Stark boy had found you amongst the crowd and your plan had gone flying out of the window. It had started with the most innocent of conversations. Family and hobbies and the differences in your homes. But that had quickly led to a little bit of flirting and eventually he had convinced you to join him for a dance. 

"One," you told him, biting back the bright smile that wanted to force itself onto your lips. Robb was handsome, there was no point in denying it, and it was nice to be showered in his attention, even if it was just for a short while. "And then I need to go to bed," you pressed on, placing your hand in his and letting him lead you onto the dance floor. 

"It's hardly even dark outside and you're already talking of sleep," he hummed, smiling down at you as he spun you to the music. "It seems you southerners aren't as fond of dancing as us northerners," he teased, watching as you stilled to send him a playful glare. 

"We are plenty fond of dancing," you corrected, starting to move again, your smile finally coming out fully. "My parents wouldn't approve of me staying out all night," you pressed on. 

Robb glanced over your shoulder, his nose wrinkling slightly as he found your father amongst the crowd. "Your father doesn't look like he minds," he told you, spinning you until you could settle your eyes on him yourself. "He looks rather content with you staying for another dance," he added, hearing you let out a bubble of laughter. 

"My father isn't the problem," you corrected, turning to face him again. "My mother might look perfectly composed, but she won't be best pleased," you added, watching his eyes flicker up to the top table, where both of your mothers were sitting. 

Lady Stark looked rather pleased with herself, watching the two of you dancing as though it was the most normal thing in the world. Your mother, on the other hand, was expressionless, her eyes focused on you. 

"One dance," you reiterated, clearing your throat. 

"One dance," he agreed, smiling softly. "I'll just have to make the most of it, then, won't I, Princess?" he added, grinning as he suddenly spun you around again, causing you to let out a sharp bubble of startled laughter. 

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