Jon Snow X Lannister!Reader - I Like Myself

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song 'I Like Myself (Most of the Time)' by K. Flay. It's a little short, but I hope you all enjoy it.

You sighed as you pushed through the thick doors of Winterfell's Great Hall, slipping out into the cold as your breath turned to steam before your eyes. You hadn't expected to like the North. Your sister had always told you that it was a tiresome place, full of some of the most boring people in Westeros. But within an hour of being there you had known she was wrong. 

You kicked up snow as you began to wander through the courtyard, smiling at the sound it made as it crunched under your boots. It turned out you quite enjoyed the feeling of being cold. The tingling feeling that spread through your fingertips, leaving them numb. The way it would turn your nose and the tips of your ears a bright, shining shade of red. Seven Hells, the snow even smelt good, muffling the odours that usually lingered in places like these. 

"Y/N?" a voice called out to you,  drawing your attention over to the stables, where your brother was leaning precariously against the wall. If it hadn't been there, you had no doubt that he would be struggling to stand from the amount he'd had to drink so far. 

"Tyrion," you murmured back, making your way over as you glanced at his new companion. "It's Jon, isn't it?" 

The boy nodded, looking a little flustered as he turned his eyes to the snow. "Yes, My Lady."

"Oh, please," you muttered, letting out a soft chuckle. "My friends call me Y/N," you continued, offering him a small smile that seemed to relax him slightly.

"My friend here is considering joining the Night's Watch," Tyrion started, raising his eyebrows at you as he smirked.

You scoffed slightly. "You're far too young to be swearing off of girls already," you uttered, watching as his mouth opened as if he was searching for some sort of answer to your comment. "And far too pretty for that matter." 

"I don't belong here," he finally murmured, his cheeks tinted red as he looked away from you. 

"Get a grip, Jon." He looked at you very suddenly then, a look of shock spread across his features. "No one belongs anywhere, you aren't special because your father's wife doesn't like you." 


"You only get one chance at life, don't waste it sitting at the edge of the world wondering whether you'll be killed by Wildlings, or the cold, or boredom." You shrugged slightly, offering him as comforting a smile as you could muster. "Believe me, I know wasted potential when I see it. Look at Tyrion." 

A snort of laughter escaped Tyrion as you sent your brother a soft smile. "That's not very nice," he teased, causing you to roll your eyes.

"My brother is one of the smartest men I have ever met, but he let our father convince him that he wasn't worth anything because he was born a dwarf. So instead he drank and he fucked whores and he lived a very lacklustre life. Don't let anyone convince you that you aren't worth more." 

Jon swallowed slightly, giving you a short nod. "Thank you, My-" You raised an eyebrow, silencing him mid-sentence. "Y/N." 

"You're welcome." You glanced behind you, looking out at the snow. "You know," you uttered again, turning back to him with a small smile. "It's okay to like yourself. You don't have to punish yourself for existing."

"I'll bare that in mind," he started, finally sending you a half-smile, and causing your own to grow. 

 "Wonderful," you started with a small chuckle. "Now, I'm going to go for a walk, and appreciate the snow whilst I still have the chance. I hope I'll get to see you amongst the rest of us tomorrow." 

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