Sandor Clegane X Reader - Whatever U Want

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Whatever U Want' by Christina Milian and Joe Budden. It's a short one, but I hope you enjoy it.

You had never expected it to be so easy to wrap a man like Sandor Clegane around your little finger. He was a big, bad brute, or so everyone had always told you, but when he had met you it was like that had all faded away at the drop of a hat. He went from one of the scariest men in the Seven Kingdoms to a puppy dog, all soft and sweet. Not that anyone else would ever know. 

To the outside world, it was impossible to imagine him as anything but the powerful, but behind closed doors, he was anything but. In your chambers, you were in charge. You made the decisions. And your sweet husband was more than happy to do as he was told.

"Baby," you murmured, watching as Sandor's attention immediately shifted to you, his hands pausing on the buckle of his armour. 

"Sweetness?" he answered softly, a small smile pulling at his lips as you stretched across the bed, your eyes still heavy with sleep. 

You cleared your throat slightly. "Were you going to leave without waking me up to say goodbye?"

Sandor chuckled, continuing to dress himself as he crossed the room to meet you at the bed. "'Course not," he grumbled, his hand brushing over your cheek as he gave you a chaste kiss. "Wouldn't do that to you," he added, as you grinned up at him.

"Good," you uttered, chasing his lips as he stood back up. 

Sandor sighed as you pouted at him, hands wrapped around his wrist to hold him in place. "I can't be late again, Angel," he started, and you grumbled as you released him from your grip. "I'll make it up to you when I get back, I promise." You nodded, falling back against the pillows with a dramatic sigh, your arm falling across your eyes. "Seven Hells, Woman. You're going to make it far too hard to leave-"

A light chuckle slipped out of you. "That's the point," you murmured, peaking out from behind your arm. "Surely the King can spare you for five minutes," you pressed on.

"We both know it won't be just five minutes," he corrected, watching as a knowing smile pulled at your lips. "Anyone would think I've been neglecting you, Sweetness," he pressed on. "You act as though you didn't have me to yourself all of last night." 

"S'not enough," you hummed. "With all the talking you've been doing, you're going to end up being late anyway," you added. "What's another few minutes when you're already late?" 

He was practically growling as he marched over to the last of his armour, all too aware of just how right you were. And would could he even say? Sorry I'm late, my wife is completely insatiable and spent her morning trying to seduce me. He would be a laughing stock, and you would become the talk of King's Landing. 

"You have no idea how much I want to come back to bed-"

"Please, Sandor," you interrupted. "Baby," you added, your voice as soft as silk. 

Sandor pressed his eyes closed, trying with all of his might to push your voice, and the inappropriate images it conjured, out of his mind. He did up the final buckle, making for the door.

"Sandor," you whined, and his eyes quickly darted to meet yours, all wide and needy. 

"I'll be back as soon as I can, Angel," he told you, his voice thick, so close to giving in.

You wanted nothing more than for him to join you, but deep down, you knew he had a job to do, and one that kept you both living so comfortably in King's Landing. "Fine," you breathed out. "But don't keep me waiting for too long," you added. He nodded his understanding, his hand on the door handle. 

"I'm going to be thinking about you all damn day," he grumbled, shaking his head slightly.

You finally let a sweet smile come to your lips. "Good, because I'll be right here thinking about you," you hummed. "I love you," you added softly.

"I love you more," he told you, grinning as he finally opened the door and left your chambers.

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