Young!Robert Baratheon X Lannister!Reader - Satisfied

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Satisfied' from Hamilton, which I watched on Disney+ for the first time last week. I've been listening to this song on repeat for what seems like forever. I had to switch a few of the details from the song to make it work, but I hope you enjoy it.

King's Landing seemed happy for the first time in years, the wine flowing freely and the men flirting their way through the Great Hall. You sister was marrying the love of her life and becoming Queen, and she was practically beaming as she watched the crowd bustling around. So, why was it that you were so miserable? 

You forced a smile onto your lips as you approached the top table, giving a short curtsey as you felt Cersei and her new husband turn to look at you. 

"Congratulations on your union, Your Grace," you started, feeling as your cheeks burned with blush under his gaze. "Cersei," you began again, finally turning your attention to your younger sister. "You look so beautiful; marriage seems to suit you wonderfully." 

"You're sweet," she started, her smile so perfect on her lips as she leant in to press a kiss to your cheek. 

You smiled back, attempting to make it convincing as you gave a short nod. "I ought to circle the room, make sure everything's going smoothly-"

Cersei's hand reached out, gripping your fingers and pulling you closer to her. "You need to give a speech," she exclaimed softly. "It's tradition," she added.

Your eyes widened for a moment. How on earth could you have forgotten something as simple as the maid of honours speech? You gave a short nod, lifting your cup and taking the fork from its place in front of your sister. The noise of metal clinking was enough to bring silence to the room, and then everyone was watching you. 

"Lady Y/N of House Lannister; The Maid of Honour," a voice you knew as belonging to one of the Stark boys started, ringing through the room. You gave him a small smile. 

"A toast to the Groom, our King. And to his new Queen; my little sister. Your union had brought hope to to our Kingdom, and I hope it brings you the happiness you both deserve," you paused for a moment, raising your cup into the air. "May you always be satisfied." You brought the cup to your lips, drinking deeply. 

You could still feel his eyes watching you as the crowd cheered for their new monarchs. 

Gods, you felt sick. How had you ever let it get this far?

The first time you had met Robert Baratheon your world had been at war. The rebellion had never come so far South before, and in a moment of brash uncertainty, your father had quickly switched allegiances. And as if to prove his loyalty he had invited the rebels into your home to celebrate their most recent victory. 

The soldiers had practically been falling over themselves for even a moment of the time of the women that had littered the room; your father's doing. By eight your feet were already aching from being swept around the dance floor by man after man, and you had taken to leaning against the wall watching as the other girls were wooed. Not that you minded. There wasn't a single man who had asked you to dance who had tempted you further than one song, three lousy minutes of spinning on the spot with some drunken man you had no intention of ever seeing again. 

"Hi." You practically flinched as the voice entered your mind, drawing your attention to the giant of a man standing beside you. 

For a moment, your mind reeled. This wasn't just some man, this was a statue-esque picture of perfection with eyes like the richest chocolate and a smile that left your a little breathless. "Hi," you uttered, feeling utterly useless as you attempted to remember your teachings. 

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