Theon Greyjoy X Stark!Reader - Two Princes

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Two Princes' by Spin Doctors. I thought the lyrics would work really well with this narrative. I hope you all enjoy it.

Joffrey Baratheon was everything you had always been told you wanted. He was rich and royal, and someday he would king. What more could you truly want? Your Septa had made it very clear that he was a perfect match, and it seemed your family agreed. But you weren't so sure. Fine, he was a great match on paper, but he was dull and controlling, and if you were being completely honest, he scared you. How could you marry a man you were scared of? His mood could go from cheerful to angry in seconds, and you would hate to be on the receiving end of one of his bad moods.

And besides, there was someone else in your life that you would have much preferred to marry. Of course, Theon could be brash and immature, but he was sweet beyond what you ever would have expected of him. He loved you, and it wasn't just a comment he made to trick you into sticking around, he actually truly cared about you. Gods, he would listen to you talk for hours on end, staying up long past when was reasonable to hear everything you wanted to say. And when he kissed you, it was just breathtaking. Even the idea of Joffrey touching you made you feel sick.

"Can I ask you something?" you murmured, twisting in Theon's grip to look up at him. 

He nodded slightly, his fingers running over your shoulder as he began to smile at you. It was a sweet smile, one that he reserved especially for you, and it made your heart tighten in your chest. "Of course."

"What are we going to do when Father starts insisting I marry?" The words hung between you in silence as Theon's smile faded slightly. "I just-" you paused for a moment. "What if he decides on a husband and refuses to change his mind-"

"I won't let him." 

A small sigh slipped from between your lips as your brows furrowed. "Theon," you uttered, your voice as soft as silk as you reached up to touch his cheek. "I don't want to upset you, but we both know he wouldn't like this." 

Theon nodded, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to your temple. "It's not fair, though, is it? We love each other, we're happy. Why wouldn't he want that for us?" 

"Because it's not what anyone had planned," you murmured, drawing his eyes down to yours. "Father had a letter from the King. He wants a Stark to marry his son and-"

"And you're the eldest daughter." Theon paused, pressing his eyes closed as he attempted to calm himself. "So you'll be Queen someday."

You let out a groan. "Seven Hells, I hope not." A chuckle escaped you then. "Can you imagine? Me as his pretty little wife, all heirs and graces and sweet innocence. It's ridiculous."

Theon snorted at that, burrowing his face against your neck. "You've never been sweet and innocent in your life," he teased pressing a kiss to the bare skin. 

"That's because you were always around to corrupt me," you started, pulling away from him to kneel beside him and taking his face in your hands. Your smile dropped then, replaced with a small frown. "I love you." 

Theon's hands moved to your hips as if on instinct, holding you in place as he gazed up at you. "I know you do, sweetheart," he uttered, drawing you closer to press his lips to yours in a sweet kiss. "I won't let that little prick have you," he added, wrapping his arms around your middle as you perched in his lap. "He'll have to kill me to get to you."

"I think I should tell Sansa about us," you muttered, your brow furrowed in concentration. "She's always been far more interested in the fairytale ending than I am. If I told her she could ask father if she could marry the prince in my place-"

"That would work fine for now, but at some point another suitor would come along. We need to speak with your father."

You leant forward pressing your forehead to his and releasing a shaking breath. "He'll be upset."

"For a while, yes, but he'll come around."

*Time Skip*

"Father?" You peered around the door into your father's study, watching as he glanced up at you with a wide smile.

"What are you doing up, child? It's so late-"

"I needed to speak with you about something." 

Your father stilled slightly, placing his quill down on the desk as he straightened up. "What's so important that it couldn't wait until morning?" He gestured for you to take the seat across from him, his face contorting with confusion when Theon followed you into the room. "Theon?"

"Lord Stark," Theon started, clearing his throat slightly as he sat beside you. 

"Y/N, what's going on?" 

You reached out, taking Theon's hand in your and allowing them to rest in your lap. "Theon and I-" you trailed off, attempting to control your shaking voice. 

"I love your daughter, Lord Stark, and I would like to ask your permission to marry her." 

Your eyes widened as you glanced over at Theon, your grip on his hand tightening. 

"So this is what's had you so cheerful recently?" your father uttered, a small smile on his lips as he focused on you. You nodded slightly, your cheeks tinting a soft shade of pink under his gaze. "And you love him?" 

"I do," you started, taking a deep breath. "He knows me better than I know myself, and he makes me so happy." 

"And you want to marry him?"

You nodded, swallowing around the lump in your throat. "More than anything."

"Then who am I to say no?" A small chuckle escaped your lips at his comment, and a second later you were on your feet and wrapping your father in a tight hug. 

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