Sandor Clegane X Reader - She's Got You High

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'She's Got You High' by Mumm-ra. I hope you all enjoy it. 

In the time that you had been in King's Landing, you had made quite the lasting impression on Sandor. Of course, he would never admit such a thing out loud. Sure, you were sweet, and funny, and so beautiful that it was a little shocking to him at first, but that was no reason for him to go catching feelings. And then you'd started lingering around him, clearly in need of a friend in an unfamiliar place, and you'd worn him down without him even realising it was happening. 

You sighed softly, your arms crossed over your chest as you paced back and forth across the rug in the middle of your chambers. You'd been doing the same thing for the last ten minutes, ever since you had coerced Sandor into coming and sitting with you, and you hadn't said a word yet. 

"Are you going to tell me what's bothering you?" 

Your head quickly turned to look at Sandor, and you stopped your marching, eyes focusing on him properly as you frowned. "My mother sent me a letter," you started, letting out another gentle sigh as you moved to sit opposite him, looking so forlorn that Sandor felt his entire body tense with concern. "She doesn't think it's safe for me to stay in King's Landing anymore. She wants me to come home."

Sandor remained silent for a moment. Seven Hells, even the mere idea of you leaving was enough to pain him, the thought of never seeing you again setting him on edge. "And you want to stay?" he murmured, watching as you nodded. "What are you going to do?"

Another sigh slipped out of you and you gave him a small shrug. "I know I'm safe here," you told him. "I know you would never let anyone hurt me, but-"

"But you don't want to tell her 'no'," he offered up as your words trailed off. "Perhaps she's right," he hummed, watching as your brow furrowed in confusion. "King's Landing isn't safe. Joffrey is dangerous."

You swallowed around the lump in your throat. "I thought you would want me to stay," you murmured, your eyes dropping to focus on your fingers, all tangled together in your lap. 

"I want you to be safe," he started again, leaning forwards in his chair in an attempt to catch your eye. "If that means you going back to your mother, then maybe that's the best choice-" he paused for a moment his hand sliding across the table until it was just within your vision, tapping at the wooden surface until you gave in and looked up at him. "-even if I know that the capital will be miserable without you."

You nodded slightly, your tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip. "You could leave too," you told him, your hands moving to rest beside his on the table. "I'll need company on the road-"

"Y/N," he hummed, his hand shifting to rest over the top of yours, covering it completely. "I'm his guard, he won't let me just leave," he pressed on, and the look of pure sorrow that flashed across your face, for just a moment, was enough to break his heart entirely. By the time the pain had registered on your features, it was replaced with frustration. 

"Then don't tell him. We'll just leave and by the time they notice you're gone we'll be on the road-"

"If I leave without his permission, he'll have a price on my head, and he knows that you're involved you'll be in more danger than in if you had just stayed here." He paused, sighing. "Y/N, I love you, but-"

"You love me?" 

Sandor's eyes went all wide, his hand suddenly retreating from yours as he sat up completely straight in his seat. "I-" His words trailed off before he could really say anything, his focus on your face as you stared at him. "I'm sorry."

"Do you not want to love me?" you started again, your brows furrowed in confusion as his mouth opened and closed in an attempt to find the words he needed to say to you. 

"No, I do," he finally managed to utter, letting out a soft sigh. "I just didn't realise how much I love you until just now. I don't know how I'll survive in this place without you." 

You sat silently for a moment, and Sandor could practically see the cogs turning in your head as you thought. "I'll tell my mother I'm staying here," you muttered.

"It isn't safe-"

"If Joffrey is as dangerous as you seem to think he is, I won't be safe anywhere," you started, giving a small shrug. "At least, this way, I'll have you to look out for me." A small smile finally pulled at your lips, for the first time since Sandor had set foot in your chambers. "I love you too, Sandor." 

He nodded, a barely noticeable movement of his head, and then he was smiling across the table at you. "You love me?" he murmured.

A soft chuckle slipped out of you as you nodded. "Yep," you hummed.

"Then marry me," he started, watching as your eyes widened at his comment. "It'll put your mother's mind at ease, and it'll give you some protection here. No one would dream of putting a finger on you if you were-" 

"Okay," you uttered, interrupting him before he could finish setting out his reasoning for you. "If that's what you want, then yes, I'll marry you," you pressed on, your head tilting to the side as you watched the words register with him, his smile growing, drawing a snort of laughter out of you. "Seven Hells, when I woke up this morning, I never thought that this was how my day would go," you told him. 

"When I've thought about making you my wife, it's usually less spur of the moment," he confessed, his eyes so focused, the way they always were. In all honesty, seeing the way he looked at you now, made you wonder how you had never noticed how much he had cared for you before. There was so much love, so much adoration, all hidden away in a simple gaze, and it was meant only for you. 

"I should write back to my mother; tell her what's happening," you started, though you hesitated in your seat, wishing you could stay here in this moment forever. Sandor grumbled out an agreement, standing up and moving around the table to take your hand. He pulled you to your feet and led you over to the small writing desk on the far side of the room, sitting down in the chair and ushering you into his lap, pressing a kiss to your shoulder when you chuckled at how clingy he had all of a sudden become. 

You glanced back at him, reaching your hand up to cup his cheek lightly in your palm and drawing him into a gentle kiss; your first kiss with the man you were going to marry. He hummed as he pulled back, his hands resting on your hips, giving them a gentle squeeze. "Come on, get to work," he murmured, causing you to roll your eyes.

"I don't know where to start," you uttered, pulling out the parchment and ink from your drawers. "How do I tell my mother that I intend to marry when I've failed to even mention that I was courting? Hells, we were never really courting were we? We were just spending time together."

Sandor grunted slightly. "If it ends in a marriage, then it's technically still courting," he muttered, pressing another kiss to your shoulder. "Just tell her the truth. We were friends, and then you fell madly in love with me," he teased.

Another soft snort slipped out of you at his comment, and you shook your head at him. "I fell madly in love with you?"

"Fine," he grumbled, reaching out to tap the paper. "We fell madly in love with each other and now, I'm going to make you my wife." You chuckled as you began to pen your letter, his eyes following the words as you wrote them. Once you were done, you turned to the side, leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek, causing a soft, contented sigh to slip through Sandor's lips. "I love you," he muttered, turning his head to capture your lips fully. 

You hummed as he leant back, his eyes slipping closed as he basked in the feeling of holding you. "I'm never going to get tired of hearing that," you told him.

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