Daenerys Targaryen X Fem!Reader - Cuz I Love You: Requested

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A/N - This chapter was requested by user: mandytheshepard. It is based on the song 'Cuz I Love You' by Lizzo. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had never thought that you would ever be able to love someone the way you wanted to be loved. Pretty deep, huh? For so long you had convinced yourself that you were content with just sleeping around and keeping feelings as distant as you could manage, but it had all been a lie. In all honesty, the fear that no one would ever love you was imbedded so deep into your mind that you had never even recognised it. You had been self-sabotaging each and every one of the relationships you'd been in without knowing it. 

Now, you supposed you should be happy for those self-sabotages. If it hadn't been for your inability to keep a relationship you would have ended up married to some arrogant little man, living a life that wasn't your own. You never would have dreamed of meeting someone like Dany. 

She had knocked the air out of your lungs the moment you had set eyes on her. Not only was she beautiful, but she commanded the room without even trying. She was powerful and you could see it before she even had to say a word. 

It seemed you had caught her attention too. All through the meeting, as your boss begged for her to keep her men out of his inn, her eyes had remained fixed to you. It had been uncomfortable at first, and you had shifted under her gaze, unsure of how to hold yourself. You had never allowed yourself to become so affected by another human, but now it was like all of your prior thoughts were gone. 

"What is your opinion on the matter?" Your eyes had widened as she cut off your boss, a smile spreading on her lips as you swallowed deeply. 

You remained quiet for a moment, shifting on the spot for a moment. "I'm not paid to have an opinion, Khaleesi." You weren't sure where the bravery had come from, but her smile simply grew as she watched you. 

After that, Dany had made it her priority to see you again. Something about you was enchanting and she couldn't help but think of you whenever she got a free moment. Each time she would see you she would feel herself falling more and more in love with you, and you felt the same, though you continued your attempts to keep it hidden.

*Time Skip*

Your favourite place was Dany's bed. Lounging there in the mornings was bordering on heavenly, your limbs tangled with the sheets as she pressed kisses to your skin. You would end up there most mornings, now, at her request, and you found yourself disappointed when she was too busy to see you. 

"You are so beautiful," she murmured against your shoulder, drawing your attention down to her. She was smiling, her eyes fixed on yours and her lips attached to your skin. You lifted a hand, drawing a finger across her cheek as you felt a grin pull at your lips. "So, so beautiful," she added, shifting away slightly to crane her neck, pressing her lips to yours for a fleeting moment. 

"I know," you uttered, your fingers drifting over her skin, wherever you could make contact. She was always so soft and warm, and you could barely keep your hands to yourself. "My mother blessed me with a good face," you continued, watching as she chuckled slightly.

"More than just a face," she teased, raising her eyebrows at you and causing you to let out a shocked burst of laughter. 

You shook your head as she pulled you closer to her. "Your mind is stuck in the gutter," you exclaimed, wriggling in her grip as she pressed her lips to your skin again. "You are as bad as the dirty old men in the street, wolf-whistling at the ladies," you continued with a small chuckle. 

"There is only one woman that my mind goes to the gutter for," she uttered, still pressing hungry kisses to your neck. "I am only dirty for the woman I love," she added, feeling you still in her grip. 

"You love me?" you started softly, expression a little lost as she shifted to look at you. 

Dany's face softened as she watched you, her hand lifting to push some hair behind your ear. "Of course I love you." 

You leant forward, drawing her into the sweetest kiss you had ever shared. You would always find it hard to say the words, but you hoped to show her just how much you loved her with your actions.

*Time Skip*

A knock at your door startled you slightly, drawing your eyes away from the mirror at your vanity. 

"Come in," you called out, watching as the door drifted open and Jorah entered the room. 

"The Khaleesi is ready whenever you are," he uttered, giving you a soft smile as he hovered in the doorway.

You nodded slightly. "Then we'd better get a move on. I'd hate to keep her waiting." As you got to your feet, you realised that you were smiling, a proper smile that covered your entire face. In a few minutes, you would be marrying your best friend; the woman you loved. Nothing compared to how happy you were in that moment.

The walk from your chambers to your wife-to-be only took a few minutes, but you spent the entire time with an excited energy bubbling through your veins. As soon as you entered the room, you saw Dany light up. She was as beautiful as ever, and the way she was looking at you made your heart squeeze. She loved you, and you loved her. 

You linked your fingers through hers as you reached her, pressing a kiss to her cheek. 

"Are you ready?" she murmured, drawing your attention to her properly.

You nodded, squeezing her hand tighter in your grasp. "I'm ready. I love you."

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Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines: Part ThreeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon