Sandor Clegane X Tyrell!Reader - September

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A/N - I'm sorry it's been so long, but I'm finally getting my creativity back and I'm hoping to post a little more in this book from here on out. This chapter is based on the song 'September' by Earth, Wind & Fire. I hope you all enjoy it.

Behave yourself and keep your head down. It was the one piece of advice your mother had given you before sending you off to the capital with Loras. Of course, he wasn't much of a disciplinarian, and that reminder had flown out of the window before you had even reached the capital. 

You were about a days ride out from King's Landing when you'd spotted the inn, somewhat tired and run down, but the sounds coming from inside were some of the liveliest you had ever heard. 

"We should stop," you started, slowing your horse slightly as Loras glanced back at you. "It's starting to get dark," you added softly, offering him your sweetest smile and letting your eyes dart back over to the inn. 

Loras quirked an eyebrow at you, his eyes following yours for just a moment. "Mother wouldn't like it," he uttered, his lips pursed as he considered your plan. In all honesty, riding through the night would be a terrible idea. Not only was the road dangerous in the dark, but with less than a day to go, it would be better to arrive well rested and clean, rather than turning up travel-worn. 

"Mother never has to know," you murmured, your smile practically beaming at him. "Come on, we can get a couple of rooms, have a bath, won't you feel so much better when you're clean and comfortable?" 

He hummed at you, squinting slightly in your direction. "And Mother never has to know?"

You shrugged. "I don't intend on telling her."

You knew you'd hooked him the moment you had mentioned the bath, but now as he gave a short nod, you were ready to jump for joy. After weeks of tiresome riding you were going to get to interact with what sounded like a fun group of people, and you were happier than ever. 

*Time Skip*

As soon as Loras had left you to bathe, you had put your plan into action. Slipping into an old gown, you were more confident than ever. You could go down to the bar and enjoy the music for a while, and no one would ever have to know who you were. For all they knew, you were just another low-born woman passing through, and that was exactly how you preferred it. 

You had almost reached the bottom of the stairs, glancing behind you to check that Loras hadn't heard you sneaking out, when you walked straight into someone. A small yelp fell from your lips as you teetered backwards, frantically reaching for the bannister to steady yourself. The stranger seemed to notice your panic, his hand grabbing your waist to hold you in place on the step.

"I'm so sorry," you rushed out, shaking your head slightly. "I'm not usually so inattentive," you added, finally risking a glance at the man's face. Even when he was standing three steps down from you, he was still as tall as you were, and you eyes bypassed his scars to lock with his.

"No harm done," he uttered, his hands slipping away from you. 

You were startled to find that you missed the contact, barely holding back the whine that had built up in your throat. "Well, I still feel the fool," you murmured, attempting to cover up just how flustered he had made you with such a simple touch. "Could I buy you a drink to make it up to you?" 

The man looked a little confused at your comment, his brow furrowing slightly as you smiled sweetly down at him. "You want to buy me a drink?" he grumbled. You nodded slightly, a little unsure of yourself now that he was questioning you. "We don't do things like that around here," he added, the ghost of a smile pulling at his lips. "Come on, I'll get you a drink." 

Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines: Part ThreeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora