Robb Stark X Reader - So Good: Requested

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A/N - This chapter was requested by user: That_One_Aussie. I ended up basing it on the song 'So Good' by Louisa. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had practically snarled at Robb the first time you had met. He was happy, and excited, and altogether far too loud, and as he had greeted you, you had flinched slightly at the sound of his voice echoing in one ear and out the other. 

You father had been quick to abandon you with the Stark children, shooting you a warning glance as he made to follow Lord Stark. He was already in a sour mood with you since he had first set eyes on you that morning, and you weren't about to cause any more of a fuss by attempting to follow him into the building. He was always a little put out by your drinking habits but this time it seemed you had pushed him a step too far. You'd been lectured on your irresponsible behaviour all morning, and now you were finally able to experience a little piece and quiet. 

And then Robb Stark had begun talking. Seven Hells, if there was a competition for most words said in the most annoying voice, then there was no doubt in your mind that he would win.

"My mother suggested that you might enjoy a walk in the gardens," he wittered on, a sweet smile fixed on his lips as he watched your brows furrow. 

"Why on earth would I enjoy that?" you muttered, lifting a hand to rub at your temples. Your head was pounding and you wanted nothing more than to crawl into a warm bed and sleep away the rest of the day.

"I-" Robb looked a little taken aback by your comment, his mouth hanging open as he searched for something to say. "She said that ladies enjoyed that sort of thing."

"Wow," you uttered softly, shaking your head. "I'll give you a little heads up, My Lord," you paused for a moment, watching as he nodded. "I don't know what your parents have told you about me, but I'm not some lady for you to woo. I don't sew. I don't gossip with the other girls. And I certainly don't go for walks in gardens." 

Robb nodded, any hint of a smile now completely gone from his lips. You had to admit, he was handsome, but he was a Lord, and by the sounds of it he was exactly the same as every other man your father had attempted to set you up with. "I'll leave you to it, then," he started, looking rather sheepish as you finally smiled at him.

"That sounds like a good plan," you uttered, rolling your eyes as you marched away from him and towards the entrance to the castle.

*Time Skip*

Sneaking out of Winterfell was a lot easier than you had expected. You had practically strolled out of the front gate without a soul to stop you. If your father had gotten his own way, you would had been surrounded by guards at every waking moment in order to keep you out of trouble. 

The nearest inn was already bustling when you reached for the door, shoving your way inside and pausing for a moment. It seemed that even northern entertainment was different to what you'd experienced at home. There was loud music being played by a small group in a corner of the dark room, and groups of people sang and danced and chattered loudly all over. 

You quickly made your way over to the bar, ordering a drink over the roar of fun. Despite the cold outside, the room was warm, heated by a mixture of a fireplace and the sheer number of people wedged into the small space. 

"Does your father know you're in a place like this?" You glanced at the man beside you, releasing a sigh as you recognised the smirk of Theon Greyjoy. He had steered clear of you since Robb had mentioned your less that savoury personality, but you'd seen the way his eyes lingered on you when he was sitting with his friend in the dining hall. 

"Does yours?" You watched his smirk drop from his lips as your words registered. "I had to miss a party," you finally added. "How could I come to the North and not experience the nightlife?"

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