53. King and Queen

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Chapter 53

"Simon! You can do this! Simon, it's up to you." Sebastian yelled into his mic. This was a daily occurrence with their now 80,000 Livestream viewers: the intensity, the sweat of what would happen next rumbled in their viewer's chest.

Could the dynamic duo do it? Did they have what it takes to defeat the monster?

Sebastian's character died before the super boss, and Simon was all they had left to win the level. The stream chat went crazy and spammed Simon's name. Sebastian heard the clicking of Simon's keys and was like a viewer like everyone else. He wanted Simon to win. He wanted them to win together.

Simon continued to shoot the animated monster. Two shots and the monster stopped. "Did I do it?" Sebastian's character suddenly respawned.

"Shit, it's another level," Sebastian yelled. He leaned forward and clicked the keys one by one, and shot at the monster alongside Simon. The two boys' characters ran in sync with one another, shooting and jumping over enemies the boss sent flying towards them. "Simon, use your super!"

He heard the clicks. Three missiles were sent his way. It wasn't enough. They needed more. Sebastian mashed the keys, loading his super attack. 

"Do it!' Simon shouted into the mic.

Sebastian clicked the key. On impact, he did it. He killed the boss, doing what seemed like the impossible.

"Yes!" He heard from his mic and the girl behind him. He smiled at the screen as it began to explode.

"God, that took us forever," Simon said into the mic.

"Yeah," he let out a sigh of relief and looked back to Cassandra as she was staring intensely at her phone. She wore nothing but his t-shirt that, of course, was too big on her. He stared at the image of her being herself, so comfortable around him. "Hey Simon, I'm going to get something to eat. I'll be back in about twenty."

"Alright, I need a break too after that. I'll answer some of the chat's questions while you're gone."

"Thanks," he slipped off his mic and clicked a button. He approached Cassandra, causing her to look up. He placed a chaste kiss on her lips, making her smile.

"Good job, babe."

"You were watching?" He eased on top of her on his bed.

"Of course," she answered under him. "You might not think it, but I'm a very supportive girlfriend, plus Simon's accent is a bit hot." Sebastian's eyebrow twitched with her confession causing her to chuckle.

"You know, I have a pretty convincing British accent too," he said with a slight British undertone making Cassandra's eyes twitch. "And I'm pretty sure mine is way hotter."

"Well, I heard you said you were leaving to eat. What exactly were you going to eat?" She asked with a knowing look.

Sebastian chuckled and began to pull up her shirt.


The two teens laid in Sebastian's bed in a huff. "I'm scared," Cassandra admitted.

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