44. Tips and Backseats

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Chapter 44

"Bree, how's this one?" Cassandra pressed the long red dress to her body.

"Fine, like the last three dresses," Bree looked at the collection of clothes on the rack. Her eyes traced the selection for something for herself. "The only difference is that one makes you look younger. It doesn't have the jazz singer aura you're looking for."

The store was filled with couples making the two teenagers look out of place.  Cassandra's finger traced red a red dress, prompting her to pull it out. Red, the color she was specifically told, looked good on her. The dress plunged a bit, showing off the cleavage she was known for. The dress came to her ankle, yet it had a provocative slit that made the length seem like nothing.

She held the dress up. Her mouth gaped open when she imagined herself in it behind a mic singing a jazzy tune. "Bree! Get your coat. I found my dress! Vincent is going to love this."

"Vincent? Who's Vincent? I thought you were doing a gig tonight?"

"I am, it's just...this guy named Vincent gave me the job, and I think he would like the dress."

"Oh, well, it's a good dress. Will it fit over those melons of yours?"

Cassandra let out a snort, "I think it will work, Bree. By the way, what are you doing tonight for Valentine's day?"

"Going to dinner with my dad while my brothers are taking my mom out."

"Huh? Why would they do that? Isn't your dad and mom supposed to go out?"

"No, my dad said he wanted to take his number one girl out, and that happens to be me."

Cassandra gripped the dress, "that's sweet." Her mind trailed to her outings with her father. Nothing came up but the one ice cream trip. She got chocolate while he got vanilla. They watched cars pass by, and she went home. It didn't seem like a special day to her until he died, and she would never be able to hold her father's hand again.

"Do you need any shoes or anything?"

Cassandra shook her head and smiled. "No, I'm fine. I have those at home."

Cassandra paid for the dress, and Bree drove her home.  Cassandra entered the house. She was met with a bouquet on the table. "Mom!" She called out.

"I'm in the kitchen," Michelle responded to the teen with bags in her hand. Cassandra sat her bags on the kitchen floor and eyed her mother whistling in the kitchen. She wanted to comment on the morning delight she had to listen to, but instead, she shook her head.

"Are you and Walter going out tonight?"

"Yeah, we are, and we're not coming home until tomorrow afternoon," she said, followed by a little hum.

"Oh! Well, hopefully, you don't come back with my new half-brother or sister."

Michelle scoffed and turned her full attention to her daughter.  " You will not have to worry about that, Cassandra." She eyed the bag of clothes on the ground. "A little valentine's day retail therapy?"

Cassandra picked up the bag and held it close. She had no idea what her mother's reaction could be to the red silk dress. The dress eluded an elegance, a sexiness she had no idea if her mother would approve of the dress.

"Come on, show me," Michelle smiled at her daughter. Cassandra slowly pulled the dress from the bag. She closed her eyes as she waited for her mother's no bars holding inspection. "That dress is beautiful, Cassandra. How much?" Michelle ran a hand on the fabric.

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