39. Band Practice and Video Games

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Chapter 39

Cassandra sat in her bed. The endless timeline of pictures did nothing to combat the quietness in the house. Aurora left that Saturday morning for band practice while Walter and Michelle worked. She laid on her couch as she stared at the television.

A movie she'd watched a thousand times played to combat the silence. Sebastian was unable to contact her outside of school. She was only allowed forty minutes with her boyfriend. An hour if he took her home. He was to report when he dropped her off and when he picked her up.

A situation that made it impossible for the two teens to have sex or have a real conversation for that matter. A situation that had been going on for an entire month. The teens tried to sneak away at lunch only to be brought back by teachers per Sebastian's parents' request.

She missed his voice. The banter they shared about the littlest of things. Social media did nothing but make her feel worse every second.

Her once friends filled her timeline with the occasional ad. Picture after picture of them having fun, enjoying things she once was invited to. The front door opened, revealing three girls.

Faces with huge smiles plastered on their faces. Amy, Gabrielle, and Aurora. One by one, they entered the house. Cassandra's eyes followed the three girls.

"Hey," she spoke.

They turned to her, "Hey," Amy said first. "We just came from practice, and we were just going to hang out with Vicky."


The three girls looked to one another and rushed up the stairs slamming the door behind them—exiling Cassandra on the other side. Cassandra looked down at her phone, occasionally looking up when she heard a bump upstairs, followed by a laugh.

Cassandra stared at the television in her isolation. No words were uttered her way, just silence. In the peak of her isolation, she found herself going upstairs to listen in on the three girls.

Jokes were said, an occasional instrument was played. They didn't care that she wasn't there. She wasn't even a thought that crossed their minds. She picked up the phone and dialed Sebastian's number resulting in a dial tone. She called again. He didn't answer. She threw her phone on the ground and continued to stare at the television.

Sebastian stared at the screen in front of him, unaware of his ringing phone. The pixilated character jumped when he clicked X and shot when he clicked triangle. With a water bottle in his hands, he was unaware of his girlfriend's loneliness.

His door was opened, standing there was his father. He crossed his arms as he looked at his son, who was too unaware of the world around him. Sebastian cursed under his breath as he died.

"Sebastian," he bellowed, making the young boy drop his controller on the ground. "Do you have a moment to chat?"

Sebastian looked at his game and paused it. He followed behind his father to the study and closed the door behind him. He took a seat while his father did on the other side. He fidgeted before Julian opened his mouth.

"Did you speak to Cassandra about Michelle and me?"

Sebastian raised an eyebrow when he heard the name, Michelle. "Oh, Mrs. Campbell? No, I didn't. I didn't think it was my place or my business to tell."

"Did she seem to know?"

"No, and if she did, she would have brought it up by now." Sebastian no longer cared about his father's past. It was a secret, and secrets were kept best if they were forgotten. "By the way, can I leave the house now?"

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