3. A Blue Heart and Smiley Face

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Chapter 3

Sebastian was no longer a virgin the next day he came to school. He lost his virginity to Adriana and he felt indifferent about it. Part of him was happy about it and the other half felt bad. He slept with a girl that slept with Nick and Nick was his friend.

Nick claimed he didn't care about her but it still didn't feel good to do it. It left a bad taste in his mouth and he needed to tell Nick.

Sebastian wanted to talk to Nick as soon as possible but they didn't have a single class together because he was a freshman and Nick was a senior. Nick couldn't skip classes right bow because football season was starting soon and his teachers hated him. They would keep him off the field if they could.

Sebastian went about his day as normal, his mind would sometimes reminisce about his time with Adriana. He wanted to have sex with her again, and again and again. But he had to tell Nick first.

Cassandra smiled as she sang her songs in choir class. If she could sing for hours she would, the forty-eight minutes weren't nearly enough for her. Today, her teacher informed her that she would be singing exactly two songs. One by herself and one with her classmates and she would be the lead to both.

She drank her bottle of water when her classmate, Phillip approached her. Phillip wasn't much taller than her and he had a nice voice. It was nothing spectacular but Cassandra acknowledged him as one of the better singers.

"Are you excited?" He asked.

"Very," she smiled.

"I bet you're nervous though. Singing in front of the whole school, I can imagine doing that would make a person nervous especially since you're still so new to this."

Cassandra was nervous but her excitement covered that more than anything, "a bit. But, I'm more excited than anything." The bell rang, she had Mr. Waterford next period. "Sorry, I have to go," she said. Phillip watched her scurry down the hall.

Cassandra was the first to arrive to class, even before Mr.Waterford. Sebastian came in a few seconds after her, he took his seat next to her. Sebastian had a different aura about him and Cassandra noticed. He also looked like he was in great distress and she didn't know what to address first.

Their short conversation yesterday made her a bit more comfortable around him. So she asked, "Is everything alright?"

He coughed, "yeah, I'm fine." He stared at the clock, Sebastian was either going to be humiliated or get his ass kicked, in a little over forty minutes.

"You don't seem fine. You look worried about something."

Sebastian wanted to tell her, anyone actually other than the guys. "I'm fine," he assured her. "By the way, how was singing practice?" More students started to come into the classroom.

Her eyes widened, and then she smiled. "Amazing, splendid fucking fantastic," she squealed. Sebastian moved back a bit when she cursed. She got closer, "Mrs. Cottonfield said my voice has gotten better and it can only get better from there. Then! Then!"

Sebastian laughed, "wait, a minute. Slow down, so I assume it went great then."

"Very! I'm going to have the whole school be amazed at my voice." Cassandra wanted her first solo performance to be perfect.

"I bet," Sebastian smiled.

"Are you coming?"

Sebastian thought about for a second. He had nothing better to do anyway, probably no friends either after what he had to tell them about Adriana. "Well, how can I miss it if the star of the show is hyping it this much? Of course, I'm going."

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