Chapter 20

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After the game we all pile onto the bus and i plop down in Aya's seat and she grins tiredly at me. Jake sits in the seat ahead of us and we fist bump.

     "That was a pretty epic touchdown, Bry," Jake explaims.

 "It was some pretty epic tackles you made," I say and Jake grins.

   "Oh, I know. I am pretty awesome, you don't have to tell me things i already know," Jake jokingly brags.

  "You are so arrogent," Aya says with a grin and Jake mockingly glares at her.

   "And since when is that a bad thing?"He asks and AYa raises her eyebrows.

  "Since forever,"

    "WEll...... You don't.. Know anything," Jake says and sticks his tongue out at her childishly.

"More than you," she replies.

   "You know what, i don't like talking to people who are smarter than me,"Jake says to me.

 "Than you probably shouldn't be friends with AYa,"I say and Aya laughs.

    "Ahhh snap,"Aya says and Jake makes threatening motions at me with his hands before sinking back into his seat to talkt o MAx.

  About an hour into the trip and I notice that Aya's eyes are starting to droop. I grin and kiss her cheek.

 She glances at me and i smile softly.

  "If you are tired you can lean your head on my shoulder," I suggest and Aya quickly lays her head down on my shoulder and yawns.

     Pretty soon her breathing slows and i know she is asleep. It's weird to think about how Aya has changed my personality. This is always who i have been, but i figured if i showed this side of me to everyone else that they wouldn't like me. And i don't care how girly or emotional that sounded. It's the truth.

    Max takes the opportunity and looks at me like he wants to talk.

"So, it looks like you guys are getting closer, huh?" He says and i smirk at him.

   "No, we aren't,"I say sarcastically.

 "Don't be a smart a... But anyway, i just wanted to say, she is my best friend and if you hurt her i will dismember you so badly that it will take weeks to identify who you are," he warns.

    "I should say the same thing,"I reply and Max looks confused.


   "Because you are dating my sister," I reply and Max rolls his eyes.

  "Please, like i would ever hurt your sister,"

   "And i will never intentionally hurt Aya,"I reply.

  "Fine, but i'm just saying what is going to happen if you do," he explains and i nod.



  We stare at each other and finally Jake clears his throat awkwardly and they go back talking to each other, but every once in a while i see Max staring at Aya's and my hands intertwined.

     We finally get back to the school and i wake Aya up. We get off the bus and i kiss her good bye beside her car.

  "You played really well today," she points out while we pause for breath.

    "You would have too if Coach would have put you in," I say and she rolls her eyes.

 "We probably would not have won if he would have put me in," she says.

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