Chapter 29

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The next few days pass by really quickly and my life seems to be back on a normal track, or at least half way normal. My life will never be completely normal, it's just not possible.

  "Hey, babe, you ready for the big first game of the playoffs?" Bryson asks and wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to his body. Jeez, i missed that so much.

"Yeah, i''m nervous though," I reply.

   "Me too, but i think that's how the entire team is feeling right now," Bryson says.

"I know, but i feel stupid becuase Coach probably won't even play me, and i don't hate you or Coach or anybody because of it. I mean, i realize you are the star quarterback and you are going to bring this team a great victory, but i just hope he plays me at least a little," I explain and Bryson shakes his head at me.

   "Take a breath. Just chill your pill, as Max would say, everything will be fine. I know for a fact that Coach is going to play you for at least one full quarter," Bryson explains and i stare at him.

"How do you know that?" I ask him and he smirks.

   "I have my ways," he replies and i narrow my eyes at him.

"Please tell me," I plead and give him my puppy dog eyes.

   "Sorry, princess, that look doesn't work on me," he says and i bite my lip and see him glance down at me lip.

And just like that i have an idea. It might be low and a bit awkward, but it might just be worth it in the end.

   "Are you sure you don't want to tell me?" I ask and press my body against his and stand on my tip toes to kiss the corner of his mouth.

"Wh-what are you doing?" He stammers and i smile lightly against his mouth.

   "Simply asking a question," I whisper and run my hands along his shirt covered chest.

"Why do i have this feeling that it is not simply asking a question,"

   "I have no clue," I lie and kiss him.

He groans and wraps his arms around me, but i pull away from him with a teasing grin on my face and he frowns at me.

  "Where are you going?  Come back here," he says and reaches for me, but i dance out of his reach.

"First i want to know how you know that i am going to play a whole quarter," I say.

  "It's really not that big of a deal. I don't know why you want to know so bad.. But it's because i suggested it to Coach and he was in total agreement,"

  "Really?" I ask.


  "Oh my gosh! You are the best boyfriend ever!" I shout and pull him in for a hug. He laughs and spins me around.

 "Now, how about that kiss?" He asks when he sets me down.

"hmmmm, i'll think about it. But right now it is class time," I say and walk away from him with a grin when i hear him grumble.

   "I'm gonna get you back for that, princess," he says and i just shake my head.

"Sorrry to say, but i'm not as gullable as you are,"

   "You say that now, but you haven't seen..." he begins.

  "Bryson... Are you yelling in my hallway?" Mr. Clevenger asks and i hear Bryson sigh.

    "Well, it would seem that way,"

"Yes, yes it does. And you get to eat lunch at the detention table," Mr. Clevenger says.

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