Chapter 3

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"Ok, everyone gather around," Coach says and we all circle around him. It has been a few days since practice started and we are all waiting to see who is going to be on JV and Varsity and who are going to be starters. It's extremely nerve racking.

"So, this year was very tough and i am sorry if you were not picked to be a starter, but you will have a different responsibilty to bring to this team. So, here you go : Jake, Bryson, Max, Jared, DJ, Noah, Nolan, Drew, and Matt you guys are Varsity. Brian, Byron, Ayanna, Toby, Caleb, Christian, Ryker, Peter, and Gage; you guys are on Jv. Starters are..." he says, but i stop listening after i hear my name called for a starter on JV.

Yes! This finally means i can truly prove myself. I mean, i obviously already did sort of prove myself otherwise i would not be starting and i would be a bench warmer, but still.

After Coach gets done talking, everyone wanders away and starts high fiving each other. I sit down in the grass and grin.

"Hey! Ayanna!" Bryson yells and wanders my way with a couple of his friends with him.

"Yes?" I ask suspiciously.

"It's great and all that you are going to be a JV starter, but i hope you know the real reason Coach put you as a starter," Bryson explains and his friends grin at each other.

"What do you mean, the real reason?" I ask.

"Well, Coach wasn't all that impressed by your skills, or should i say no skills, but he put you as a starter because he wants the other teams to be impressed by his awesome coaching skills and then as soon as you make the first play, he is subsing you out and putting someone else out there..." Bryson says and i glare at him.

"it's kind of sad that you have to make up lies just because you are jealous of me," I snap, but my stomach is clenching at the thought of Coach doing that.

"Whatever, don't say i didn't warn you," he says and with that said, his friends and him walk away.

Could they be right? Is that really what Coach is doing? I have never heard of a coach stooping so low, but if any coach did do that, it would be him.

"Don't listen to them, Aya. They are just jealous of your mad skill," Max says from behind me.

"How do you know they are lying?" I ask him.

"Please! Coach would never, ever, stoop that low," he explains and i nod even though that doesn't make me feel any better.

"Congrats on being a starter on varsity," I say to Max and he grins.

"Congrats on being starter on JV," he says back and we high five.

"It feels good," I reply and he nods in agreement.

"So... Uh, how is your friend? Maggie..." Max asks and looks around as if he is not interested in her at all, but i know he is.

"Oh you know. She is having guys ask her out all the time..." I lie and barely contain my grin when i see his jaw drop.

"What?! How in the... Uh, i mean.. Really? That's cool.. Like who?" He exclaims, but blushes when he looks at me.

"No actually, no one... I was just trying to see your reaction," I say and he scowls at me.

"Why in the world would you do that?" Max snaps and i raise my hands in mock surrender.

"Down, boy, down!" I say and laugh.

"Really?! You wanna go there?" Max says, but i can see he is trying to hide his smile too.

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