Chapter 10

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  I wake up on Sunday and look at my clock. 11:02 a.m. I groan and roll over in bed.

    Bing Bing!

I grab my labtop from the table and look. Of course, the mysterious 'Quaterback'wants to talk. Figures.... I can't decide whether or not i like this guy.

     'Hey,'he types.

 'What now? I don't even know you,'I reply.

    'Can't a guy talk to you without you biting his head off?' He asks.

'No obviously not,'I type back and glare at the screen. He doesn't even know me. He has no right to judge me!

     'I just woke up and i'm really not in the mood for you right now,'i answer and immediatly feel bad.

 It doesn't feel right to yell at him. He really hasn't done anything wrong...

    'fine then, you don't have to keep talking to me,'


    'No, go! You didn't want to talk to me, so don't,' he replies.

'No listen, i'm really sorry, you just caught me at the wrong time,'i type, but he doesn't answer.

     After a while i sigh and get off my bed. I look at my labtop screen one more time before shutting it.

"Aya? Is that you?"Dad asks as i stomp down the stiars.

    "No, it's a serial killer,"I say and Dad laughs.

"THat's what i figured," he replies.

    "What are you making for breakfeast?"I ask him.

"Well i meade pancakes, but that was a couple hourse ago and they are probablyy cold now," Dad explains.

      "Figures. Thanks a lot, Dad,"I say sarcastically.

"I was not going to wait for you when who knows how late you would have slept,"he says and i grin.

     My phone starts playing 'My Love' by Justin Timberlake, telling me that Caleb just texted me. I look at the text.

   'good morning, beautiful. So i was wondering if you wanted to go to I-hop rright now. I will pay,'

  I grin and instantly reply.

     'like a date?'

'that's what i was thinking, but if you don't want it to be, it doesn't have to be,'he replies a couple seconds later.

    'a date sounds perfect to me,'i answer with a smile. Even though he is a year younger than me, i really like him.

  I mean, i still am attracted to Bryson. The sleep over incident happened a couple days ago and even though he was a jerk, i have witnessed his nice side. I can't giv eup that it's in there somewhere.

     'great :) i'll be there in a couple minutes,'he texts back.

'you don't even know where i live,'

   'actually i do. I got directions from Max,'he replies.

 I grin and look up to see my dad staring at me like i have grown facial hair or something.

  "What?"I ask and his right eyebrow slowly raises.

   "And who was that?"He asks.

"Who was who?"

   "Don't answer my question with another question. Who were you tecxting that was making you so happy?"

    "Just someone from the team,"i reply.

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