Chapter 19

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 "What time is it?" Max yells as he climbs into the bus. I am sitting in the very back with Bryson sitting beside me.

   "Adventure time?!" Jake yells and Bryson slaps him upside the head.

"No, you idiot. It's game time!" Max says and slumps into his seat.

    "Heck yeah it is," I say and Max grins at me.

"Who's ready to kick some Darby Tiger a...." Max begins but Jake slaps a hand over his mouth.

    "Not in front of the children," he says and they both look at Bryson and me.

 "Hey!"We both say in unison.

   "Well, it's true," Max says and Bryson stands up and walks over to Max. "Don't hurt me,"Max says pitifully.

 Bryson yawns and sits on top of Max.

"Ohh, i want to join," Jake says and jumps on top. Bryson grimaces, and Max groans.

   "You guys are going to kill me,"

"Then i might as well join in," I say and Max glares at me from beneath the two boys. I lay on top and Max moans in pain.

   "You guys...."

 "What was that, Max? I can't hear you," Bryson says and Max, with a strange grunting sound, heaves all of us off of him.

  I tumble to the floor and Bryson lands on top of me, but Jake manages to stumble, but not fall. He grins, all proud of himself and laughs at us.

    Bryson groans and climbs off of me. I breath a sigh of relief and he helps me to my feet.

"Jeez, Max, were you trying to kill us?"Bryson asks him with a grin and Max glares at us.

   "ME?! Three of you sat on me," he complains.

  "Don't be such a baby," I say and Max scowls.

     I sit down and Bryson scoots me over to the window and sits beside me. He grabs my hand and intertwines my fingers with his.

"Ah, love," Jake says and grins stupidly at us. Bryson pushes him away with a laugh.

   "Get out of here, loser,"

"Well, sheesh. I am so misunderstood," he whines, but sits down and starts talking to Max.

  We finally arrive at Darby and we all get off the bus.

Bryson and I walk hand in hand to the locker rooms until we seperate to go to seperate rooms.

  I change out quickly and head to the boys locker room and Coach follows me in.

 After a long drawn out speech about beating the Darby Tigers we break and head out to the field.. On the field i am talking to Bryson and Max when the Darby football team walks our way. One of the boys sees me and starts laughing.

   "They have a girl on the team," he shouts to his friends and they all start laughing. They saunter over to us and Bryson clenches his fists.

  "What do you want?"Bryson snaps.

     "oh nothing.... Just wanted to meet your newest member.. A girl, huh? Wow, you guys really have downgraded,"

 "Why don't you shut up? Aya is better than all of you combined," Bryson snaps and Max snaps his fingers.

    "So, put that in your juice box and suck it," Max sneers and thee Darby guys rolls their eyes.

 "Sure, she is," they say and one of them, i think the captain, walks around me in a circle.

   "Ha, one of you guys are screwing her, that's why she's on the team. But i don't see the appeal. She's not that great looking," he says and i whip around and glare at him.

    "Go annoy someone else," I snap and the guy raises his eyebrows.

 "You gonna make me?"

  "Yeah,"I say and slam my fist into his face. He grabs his face and i see blood dripping from his nose.

   "You bitch," he snaps and stalks towards me, but Bryson gets in his way.

  "You might want to just leaave before i shove your head so far up your butt that you won't see daylight for years,"Bryson threatens and the Darby guys glare at us before walking away.

   "Dude, that was awesome!"Max shouts and i start laughing.

    Of course he thinks it was awesome.

 Bryson walks over to me and grabs my hand to tug me away.

   "Those dicks,"


  "I can't believe they said those things,"


"I mean, seriously,"

  "Bryson!"I shout and he looks at me in shock.


"It's ok, i knew it would happen eventually,"I say and Bryson shakes his head.

  "You should not have had to stick up for yourself, i should have stuck up for you,"Bryson says.

   "It's fine. I don't mind sticking up for myself as long as i get to hit at least one of them,"I say and Bryson cracks a smile.

 "Well, ok then," he says and kisses me.


I am sitting on the bench and watching as Bryson throws a perfect spiral to one of the guys. In turn, the guy takes it and starts running for a touchdown, but gets tackled before he can run it to far. I sigh and Coach curses.

   We are losing by 6 points and it's the last minute of the fourth quarter. It almost seems impossible that we would have any chance of winning this one and i reallly want to beat them because they are all jerks.

  Coach calls for a time out and the boys run off the field and huddle around Coach, breathing hard and sweating. 

    "Get it together. Only 60 seconds left, we only need a touch down and a field goal and we win. Take a breather and concentrate,"Coach says and all the boys nod. Bryson locks eyes with me.

   I smile at him, trying to encourage him, and he sighs.

  "We got this, boys," Bryson says and they run back out to the field.

Bryson takes his place and i see him breath in deeply and let it out slowly before yelling hike. As soon as he has the ball he takes off running down the middle. I stand up from the bench and Coach starts biting his nails.

  This is crazy, there is no way he is going to make a touchdown. Darby has an intimidating defense and it is really risky for Bryson to be running it. But as he keeps running and dodging the attempted tackles i can't help but hope he makes it.

    Max is doing great at defending Bryson...

Almost there, just a few more yards.

   Coach is yelling at Bryson to run. Bryson picks up the speed and he gets tackled just as he makes the touchdown.

  "Yes!"I shout and jump up and down.

    Our kicker gets into position and everybody holds their breath until he makes the goal.

The guys come running off the field and i sprint over to Bryson and hug him tight. He picks me up and spins me in a circle. I laugh and he sets me back down on my feet.

   We shake Darby's hands and they congradulate us on a good game. Some of them look pissed and others look sad. But the guy that i punched doesn't even shake my hand.

  I sigh and shrug at Max. Some people just are lost causes...






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