Chapter 15

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"You are a freaking b***, Ayanna!" Caleb yells at me when we are standing in the rain in the middle of the forest.

     "Oh and you're so much better than i am?" I yell back at him.

"Yeah, i am! We both know that. Actually i'm pretty sure everbody knows that," he sneers and i clench my fists.

   "You wanna know what? You are a freaking idiot! I can't believe you would believe someone as stupid as Sharon over me! And you wann know another thing?! You freaking suck at football. There i said it! So, go screw yourself," I scream and his eyes flash with anger and hatred.

   "Oh i suck do i? Compared to you i am freaking Payton Manning! You are so bad i am suprised that you got on the football team let alone the varsity team. And maybe i will go screw myself because it has got to be better than screwing you. I guess i'll just have to ask half the gguys at our school and find out if it's true or not," he snaps and i glare at him.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. I guess for any of this fight scene to make sense i should tell you what happened from the beginnning starting on Friday's 5:00 P.M. practice...


"Hey, Debbie Downer," Max says as he plops down next to me on the ground.

    "I'm not really in the mood for this right now, Max," I snap, but i don't really mean it.

I mean, i am really pissed that i can't practice for 7 whole days! It may not seem like a lot to you, but football is my life and 7 days seems like eternity to me... It really irritates me that i can go to school and WATCH practice, but i can't play or even run....

      "Ok, whatever you say, Depressed Daisey," he says and i scowl.


   "Yes, Sad Sarah?" he sings.

Ï'm serious..."

   Öh, i'm shaking in my boots, Blue Bailey,"

"you're not even wearing boots," i say with a laugh and he grins at me.

    "Well, fine than. Be that way, Grumpy Gretchan,"

 "MAX! Say one more thing and i will punch you in the face,"

    "Oh, i am so scared. Please don't punch me in the face, Gloomy Gretta,"

"What did you just say?"

  '"What?" Oh, i'm soo scared?"

    "No... Not that one..."

"Please don't punch me in the face?"

   "No... One more over,"I say and stand up. Max stands up too and starts backiing away from me.

"Gloomy Gretta," he says and takes off running while laughing. I follow him with a grin.

 "you aren't supposed to be running," Max yells as he tries to outrun me.

     "You should have thought of that before you starting callling me names," I reply and tackle him to the ground.

 "I didn't mean it, i swear," he screams as i start tickeling.

  "It's too late for your swearing, Max!" I say and continue to tickle him.

"Stop, stop, i give,"he says and tries to squirm out from under me.

    "you two, what are you doing?" Coach asks as he walks over to us.

"Nothing," Max answers at thee same time i say, "he was callingg me names".

  Coach chuckles while we act childish and scowl at each other.

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