Chapter 14

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"So, is your game home or away?" Dad asks me Wednesday night, the night before out big game, when i am sprawled out on the couch and he is sitting in his chair and we are watching 'Tower Hiest'.


"Where at?" He asks and i grin.

  "Stinkn' Lincoln," I reply and he raises his eyebrows.

"Really? And how did you come up with that name?" He asks.

   "That's the funny part... Coach came up with it not us," I answer and Dad bursts out laughing and i laugh with him.

 I mean, you always hear the coaches say that you have to have sportsmanship, but really, who does? And even if the kids and other coaches do, not our coach. He has none.

   "What are you two laughing about in here?" Mom asks as she walks into the living room.

 "oh nothing," I reply and Mom rolls her eyes.

    "Are you excited about tomorrow's game?" Mom askss.

"Um, heck yeah,"

    "So, any cute boys i should know about?" Dad asks and i sigh. Of course it comes back to this.

"Dad, you already met Caleb," I say.

   "That's not who i meant and you know it. We both know you don't like him that much," Dad explains and i stare at him.

 "That's wrong. I do like him," I reply.

  "Sure you like him, but i can tell you only like him as a friend," he says and my mouth drops. How does he know that?

 "Whatever,Dad. And what makes you think that i only like him like that?" I ask.

   "Oh please, i may not notice as much as your mom, but i can tell when you actually like a guy," he replies and Mom grins.

  "Do you agree with him?"I ask Mom and she nods.

     "Of course i do, dear, everybody can tell that you don't like him like that. I'm just surprised he hasn't figured that out yet,"

"I'm done with this conversation," I say and give my dad a pointed look. He raises his hands in surrender.

    "Don't kill the messenger,"

They don't kow what they are talking about.... Right?


The next day, us football players are released to get on the bus at 1:00 in the afternoon. I sit down in the back and Caleb comes and sits with me. When Max sees Caleb has taken his spot, he raises his eyebrows.

    "Oh really, lover boy? Do you think that is your spot?" He asks Caleb and Caleb grins at Max.

 "Yup," Caleb says and pops the P at the end of yup.

 "I don't really find this amusing, kid," Max says with a straight face and Caleb shrugs his shoulders.

    Öh jeez, Max, find a seat before i shove you out of the bus," Jake groans and Max mock glares at him, but sits down in front of me anyway.

When Bryson sits in the seat beside mine, Caleb grabs my hand and scowls in Bryson's direction, but Bryson isn't looking at him so he doesn't notice.

    "What are you doing?" I ask him quietly and he shrugs at me.

"Nothing, i just know that he has feelings for you,"' Caleb whispers and barely contains himself from glaring at Bryson again.

    "Well, whatever you are doing, stop it. He doesn't have feelings for me and i don't have feelings for him, so you don't  need to act so jealous," I snap whish is a total lie, but i can't tell Caleb that, and Bryson looks over at us curiously.

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