Chapter 16

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  "Guess what, guess what, guess what?!" Maggie shouts as she bursts into my room. I raise my eyebrows and feel myself grinning.

"Alright, i'll play along... What?"

    "So, you know how volleyball just started right?" She says and when i nod she continues, "well, i normally wouldn't do something like this, but i wanted you to have a girlfriend that you could be proud of, so i tried out for the team and i made it... I MADE IT!"

  I grin and hop off the bed. I pick her up and swing her around in  a circle. Volleyball starts a little later than football does, but don't ask me why because i have no freaking idea.

  "That's awesome, but you didn't have to try out just because you wanted me to be proud of you. I am proud of you just for being you. But i am super gald that those stuck up chicks and their coach agreed to have you play," I say and she smiles at me.

    "Me freaking too," she squeels and we both look at each other in shock. She never ever squeelss... Well, i guess that's a good thing.

 "Have you told Aya yet?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

      "I was going to tell her yesterday after your guys practice because tryouts were at noon yesterday, but i couldn't find her," she says and i shrug.

 "I don'tt know where she is," I reply and she scowls at me.

    "Of course not, jeez have you even checked your phone to see if she has called you?" She asks and i think back. But i must take too long because Maggie slaps my arm with a sigh.

  "Men..." She mutters and picks up my phone to check. "Oh here it is, she left you a message, you might want to check it because it might be important if she left a message".

  I grab the phone and listne to the message.

"Holy mother of pearl,"I practically shout.

    "What?!" Maggie asks in shock when i don't explain.

"Caleb drug her out to the forest behind thee school yesterday after practice and when they started yelling at each other he left.... He left her out there in the rain apparently and she was wondering if i would come and pick her up... Well i hope she found someone else because this might be a problem if not," I explain and Maggie shakes her head.

     "You can be so stupid sometimes," Maggie says jokingly and i girn.

"I can't help it, but hey why aren't you worried?"I ask her with raised eyebrows and she rolls her eyes.

    "Because Bryson left to go and pick someone up yesterday after he got home, but he didn't have time to tell me who and i am betting it was Aya," she explains and i sigh in relief.

  "Well that's good," I reply and she shoves me with a laugh.


   "Beautiful..." I reply and wrap my arms around her wiast.





"You can always make me feel amazing even when i know i'm not,"she whispers and lays her head on my chest. I fall back on the bed with her in my arms and i smile.

     "You know i might be feeling the L word," I say and she looks at me with an amused look.

 "The L word? What is that?"She asks and i grin.

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