Chapter 26

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It's been two days since the whole embarrassing situation that bared my soul to the entire high school. I still can't believe it happened, but after a couple days all the drama from it has died down. At least a little of it anyway.

  I slowly get out of bed and turn off my alarm clock. I push hair out of my face and not to gracefully, i rise and start to get dressed. After getting dressed i head over to my mirror, put in my contacts, put on eye liner and mascara, and finally put my blond frizz in a ponytail. I stare at my reflection until i get digusted with the way i look and put my hair down.

  Ugh, sometimes i really hate being a girl. If i were a guy i wouldn't have to worry about my hair, or make up, or what clothes to wear today. Sometimes life just sucks.

I head downstairs and grab a strawberry poptart before walking out to my car and driving to school. I turn on the radio and flip it to 107.5 to listen to my regular radio station.

   I am singing along with a song i know and love when i see flashing blue and red lights. Oh my... Is that cop pulling me over? Thee answer to that question would be a yes.... I did just get pulled over.

I pull over on the side of the road and roll down my window as the officer walks towards my car. I have never been pulld over before. oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.

  "Morning, ma'am," he says and looks at me from under his hat.

"H-hello... What's wrong, officer?" I stammer.

   "You were speeding," he states and i see him start to write out a ticket. Oh no... My parents are going to kill me.

 "I will need to see your liscence and car registration," he continues and i sigh. Ok, i reach over to my backpack and search around for a couple minutes before slowly turning back and feeling like i'm going to cry.

   "I...I forgot my license," I say quietly and swallow nerviously.

"Give me your name and birth date," the cop says with an exagerated sigh.

 After giving him my information he goes back to his car to make sure it's all legit and then he gives me my ticket and drives away. I lean my head on the steering wheel and sigh through trembling lips.

 This week has sucked like no other.

With another sigh i put the car in drive and drive carefully the rest of the way to school. I hope out of the car when i arrive at the school and walk into the school and feel like everybody is staring at me.

  Well, i mean. It's not just a feeling, i know they are staring at me. They all need to get a life is what needs to happen. Cuz seriously, i am about to blow a top and i don't think that would end well if i did that.

   "Hey, girl, hey," Max says as he walks up beside me and i grimace.


  "How's life?"

"How do you think?" I ask and he sighs.

 "Yeah, i know it sucks right now for you, but it will get better. Pretty soon someone else will be the gossip and you will be long forgotten,"

  "That day can't come fast enough," I reply and he squeezes my shoulder.

"So, Maggie and i got in a fight last night," Max says and i stare at him in shock.



"Over what?" I ask and he shrugs.

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