Chapter 25

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    It's Monday today... That means a lot of things to me, well this particular Monday means a lot of things to me. And not all of them are all good. For starters, that means today is pre-game in practice, so should be an easy practice. Second, that means that the football game is tomorrow and we are facing one of our true competetors. And lastly, since it is Monday today, Caleb warned me about something that would happen and it made him happy to say it.

   So, all of this stuff is giving me a headache and i seriously contemplate staying home today, but i know Coach will be pissed if i stay home.

So guess what that means for me.. Yeah, you guessed it.. School.

  My alarm clock goes off and i groan. That stupid thing seriously needs to go to hell. I slam the off button and stand up and stretch. Not just those dainty little strechtes that you see in the movies, but a full out stretching that includes grunting and groaning as all my muscles pop.

Not the most graceful, but i never said i was graceful in the first place.

 I look in my mirror and grimace. Wow, i can't remember the last time that i didn't care what i looked like. But after Bryson's and my break up, i really didn't care if the whole world thought that i was ugly. I still don't care, but maybe i should at least make an effort.

  I grab a white thigh length skirt, a black half shirt and a flowery undershirt. I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. That will have to do.

   I walk down the stairs, grab a pop tart, and am about to walk out of the house when my mom stops me.

    "You look very nice today, Ayanna, does this mean that you are starting to get over that boy?" Mom asks and i roll my eyes.

   "Mom! Leave it alone, ok? I have to go or i am going to be late for school," I reply bitterly and walk out of the house.

 Jeez, why does everybody keep asking if i am over him? It has only been a little over three days since the break up.

 I drive to school while listening to some Nickleback and singing along. I love Nickleback. I love a lot of music, and i know how stupid this is going to sound because a lot of girls don't like her, but i also like Taylor Swift. She always has a song about what i am feeling, so yeah. I guess whatever works, right?

   When i finish parking that car, i hop out of the car and head into the school. I open my locker and start shoving things into my locker when Max picks me up, randomly, and spins me in a circle.

  I screech in surprise and slap his arm until he stops and puts me down. He rubs his arm and gives me the puppy eyes.

 "What was that for?" He whines and i roll my eyes.

   "You can't play all innocent with me. You know exactly what you did," I tease and he sighs mornfully.

"Fine, beat me up. You know i won't say word to the athorities," he jokes back and i slap him upside the head.

   When i mess up his hair, he scowls at me, and fixes it until it lays perfectly again. He is such a girl, i swear.

"Are you sure you're not gay?" I ask him.

   "Uh, well, i do have a girlfriend. And i do love it when she kisses me, among other things..."he begins to say and i groan and slam my hands over my ears.

"Virgin ears," I say and he laughs at me.

  "Yeah right, with a guy like Bryson as your boyfriend.." Max starts and immediatly shuts his mouth after he says that. He looks at me with a grimace and i shake my head.

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