Chapter 4

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 After Bryson leaves to go and talk to a couple other people Max plops down beside me and stares at me.

    "What was that about?" He asks curisouly.

"Not much. He just wanted to say sorry for being a jerk about the starting on JV,"I reply and Max blinks in surprise.

    "Now don't lie to me, my heart can't take it," Max jokes but i see the worry in his eyes.

Ï'm not lying. That's why he came over here," I say and Max whistles.

 "That has to be a first. I can't remember him ever saying sorry for acting like a jerk. He can't even say sorry to his own sister," Max explains and i shrug.

   "I don't know, Max. He's a complicated guy,"I answer.

Max looks at me for a couple of minutes before shaking his head.

"Don't fall for him, Aya. Not only will Sharon make you the laughing stalk of the entire high school, but also Bryson will never like you,"he says and i look away.

   "Gee, thanks for that heart warming information,"i say and Max grimaces.

"I'm not trying to hurt you, i'm just saying that i know how he is. And even if he did like you, he would never date you because that might make him the laughing stalk and he can't have that. Just trust me on this one," he explains and i nod.

  I do trust him on that, but the thing is that i can already feel my heart warming whenever I see Bryson around and i'm not an expert, but i'm pretty sure that's a sign that i am starting to like him...

 "You aren't going to do what i said, are you?"Max asks with a sigh and i grin sheepishly at him. "then, just be carefull. I won't be able to stop Sharon from giving you a social death if she finds  out,"he says.

   "That's a little extreme don't you think?"I ask and he raises his eyebrows.

"Sweatheart, you obvisouly don't know Sharon that well..."

   I hop up grab a football and grin evilly at Max. Max's eyes widen when i back up and launch the football right at his stomach. He groans in pain and glares at me.

   "That's it! You're on!!"He says and i start running away. I am laughing so hard that i don't see Bryson ahead of me until i slam into him and we both sprawl on the ground with me on top of him.

  I open my eyes and see Bryson grinning at me. He has the most beautiful brown eyes i have ever seen. Bryson smiles up at me and i can't help but smile back.

   His smile slowly fades and he has an intense look on his face. It looks like he wants to kiss me...

But the moment is completely ruined when Max grabs me around the waist and pulls me off of Bryson. He sets me on my feet and Bryson slowly stands up and won't look at me. I look at the ground and clear my throat. I hear Max heave a sigh and i glare at him.

  "Sorry about that,"I say to Bryson.

"That's ok,"he says and one of the guys laughs at me.

   "Wow, you are such a klutz! It's a wonder why you have any friends at all,"he says and Bryson glares at him.

"Knock it off,"Bryson snaps and the guy gives him a look of shock.

   "What? You said that same thing  to me a couple minutes ago,"the guy says and i turn away so that nobody will see the pain in my eyes.

"Come on, Aya. Let's get out of here,'Max says and takes my arm. We walk to the parking lot and i sigh.

    "You can say i told you so,"I say quietly to Max, but he shakes his head.

"I'd rather not! I had hoped i was wrong about him, but obviously i wasn't. At least you learned it now instead of later when you had really really fallen for him,"Max says and i nod even though that doesn't really help rright now.

"Are you going to ask Maggie out?"I ask and he shrugs.

  Ï don't know,"he replies.

"Ok, well um, here's the thing. I kind of told her that you liked her,"I say and he stares at me.

   "You did not,"he says, but i can tell he belives me.

"I did. But the good news is that she likes you back,"I say and he scowls at me.

   Ï can't believe you did that!"he growls and i smile sheepishly.

"Sorry,"I reply.

   "Does she like me back?"He asks quietly and i nod. That seems to relax him because his shoulders drop and he exhales sharply.

 "Thank God,"he says.

     "I didn't know you were that worried about it,"I say and he nods.

 "I was so freaking worried. I still can't belive you did that, but i guess i can forgive you,"he says and grins at me.


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