Chapter 19

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Do you know that feeling where you feel like you're dying? Like everything around you is all a hallucination or a dream and you can't wake up? That was me right now. Everything around me was frozen. As if everything had just stopped.

I didn't want to believe it. Yet there was no doubt that the body in the coffin was Blake's. His scent was still noticeable. Standing beside my parents, I couldn't help but notice the way my dad wrapped an arm around my moms waist and rubbed her side softly. Or the way my mom leaned into him trying so hard not to cry.

I glanced around the clearing were most of my old pack members stood at the front. The ones who hadn't known Blake lingered behind us. My mate and Beta Jay stood at the front of everyone else, hands clasped behind their backs. They both had unreadable expressions on their faces. From what Thaddeus said after telling me Blake was dead those few days back, it was Beta Jay who wanted to bury Blake. Thaddeus was against it at first because he wasn't a pack member, but he gave in. Basically, he wasn't going to speak though. Beta Jay and some people that had actually known Blake, volunteered to speak. I was one of those who volunteered.

As everyone gathered around and began to settle down, Beta Jay started speaking.

"We are all here to remember a young child who went out of his way to help find our Luna." Many heads turned to me but I focused on the Beta. "His name was Blake and even though he wasn't in this pack, I feel we should all have a moment of silence for this courageous child. He knew what he was getting himself into, yet he still helped find the location of our Luna. If it wasn't for him, our Luna would have been dead before we could have rescued her."

I could feel the piercing eyes of many people, including my mate. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but I knew he was relieved that I was still alive.

"Now for a moment of silence," I bowed my head down and thought of Blake and everything we've ever benn through. Without wanting too, tears sprung into my eyes making me wipe away hastily. No one needed to see me break down.

I felt a pair of eyes on me and without meaning too, I glanced up to see my mate watching me. He didn't break the eye contact. Instead his eyes softened a little bit before I finally turned away.

After a few moments of silence, Beta Jay finally began calling people up to speak of Blake. I was the first one he called. I didn't want to show my fear so instead I walked to where he was with no emotion whatsoever.

I turned to face everyone. This was actually nerve-wracking. I coughed into my shoulder before beginning.

"Blake was a bright and energetic pup. He was so easy to get along with and he made everyone happy. I see and will always see Blake as the younger brother I've never had. He was such an innocent curious child, who wanted nothing but to grow up a strong man that helped people in any way possible. I still remember those times when he would help the elders with cleaning instead of playing with his friends. Blake always put people before him and because of his random acts of kindness it makes me wonder if he was actually a grown man inside a kids body rather than a ten year old boy, " that comment got chuckles from many people including myself. "All in all though Blake will always be in my memory and in those who he managed to befriend during his short life time."

I turned around and walked back to my parents. Another person was already taking my spot to talk. My mom wrapped me up in a hug while my dad gave me a nod. I turned back to the front where I felt Thaddeus' eyes on me. He looked somewhat proud but I couldn't exactly tell.

A feeling of warmth enveloped me. I felt a strong sense of accomplishment. I could just picture Blake with that big grin on his face telling me he was proud.

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