Chapter 24

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"Is that all you've got Daniel!" Jay roars at him making me slightly whimper. Daniel- on the other hand- looks like he was on the verge of passing out.

Jay wasn't soft on him anymore. Since a possible war might be coming, Thaddeus decided that the older teens should try and learn a few more fighting techniques. He even told Jay not to be so kind anymore. That actually hadn't bothered me because I didn't think he actually meant it until I saw the proof earlier. Now I'm just nervous.

I glance at my opponent and wait for the signal to begin. When Jay shouts out "next!" My opponent and I slowly begin approaching each other but then end up circling around each other.

We do this for a couple of moments just looking and waiting for the other person to do something. Finally, the other girl tired of the lack of action takes a step forward and with her hand in the form of a fist. Ducking, I spin around her and aim for her left shoulder. She easily moved out of the way and then we were back to circling each other.

I'm not sure but I think Beta Jay sighs in boredom at the show we are giving him. "Action ladies, you won't be circling around your opponent if this was real! You'd both be dead by now!"

Huffing in annoyance, the girl quickly steps forward again with the same technique she did before. Just as I am about to duck, her left fist makes contact with my face.

I glance at her seeing the look of guilt plastered on her face. Of course she didn't want to hit me. She just had to though.

Letting out a yelp, I step back and recollect myself just as she launches herself at me again. This time though, I remember a technique Beta Jay had taught us.

Taking a step forward, I turn slightly and kick her on her side making her lose balance for a few moments. I swing my fist at her shoulder and send my other fist to her stomach.

She falls down with a cry. Counting down from five, I silently chant she doesn't stand up. When I hit one, I release a breath, I hadn't realised I was holding.

"Alright next," Jay shouts. I turn and glance at him only for him to nod once at me. Satisfied, I walk away with a skip in my step before I realize what I'm doing and compose myself.

The next group goes up while I practice different techniques with Rose. The girl I was fighting before is sitting to the side nursing her side.

Turning back to face Rose I notice the small frown she's wearing. "What's wrong?"

"Mason and I got into an argument," by the look on my face she quickly adds, "it's not a big thing. Just a small disagreement."

"Hope whatever it is, you guys work it out."

She nods and after that we just hang back watching others. I observe everyone around us when a thought comes to mind.

"If Brayton attacked this pack, I think we'd be prepared."

Rose gives me a curious glance. "Why do you say that?"

"Are you kidding? Look around us. Everyone here has been trained for a problem like this Rose. We have over three hundred people in a pack and most can fight and take care of themselves. Even if Brayton did attack, we'd be ready. We have the numbers."

Rose studies me for a moment before breaking into a smile. "I think you learned a few things from your mate."

"Yeah, like what?"

She shakes her head at me instead of answering.

"Alright! Bring it in!" Exclaims Jay.

Rose and I walk together to him just as I see Mason fron the corner of my eye. I glance back at Rose to see her focused on Jay rather than her mate who was trying to get her attention.

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