Chapter 28

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Thanks to euphxnious for the amazing new book cover :)

Yawning, I stretched my arms out as I awoke. I placed my hand on the opposite side of the bed only to feel an empty space. I glanced at the spot Thaddeus should have been in and frowned. Where did he go?
Sitting up, I noticed the side he was sleeping on was warm which meant he left not too long ago. I turned my body about to get of bed but that wasn't going to happen. In a matter of seconds, I was on the floor in a heap.

I groaned in pain as footsteps thumped my way. The door was slammed wide open as the smell of bacon entered the room.

I then realized I was nude.

"What are you doing?" I blushed and looked anywhere but at my mate. His tone told me he was amused and curious.

"Nothing," I replied. "You can leave now."

He didn't listen to me. Instead he walked over to me and stuck his hand out. I shyly took his hand and gasped as the air was took away from me as he slammed my nude body into his half naked body.

He then let go of me which resulted with me losing control of my legs and falling forward. "Ow," I moaned.

Thaddeus was looking at me as if I was dumb but realization dawned on his face, and so did a sexy smirk. "You're sore," he says. "I did a good job, don't you think?"

I scoffed fighting my blush. "Actually you did pretty sloppy."

His lips descended onto the mark on my neck. I immediately moaned but I was still clearly thinking. He softly pushed me back on the bed, him on top of me. "How about I try again?"

"Oh no," I state pushing on his hard chest. "I'm sore, hungry and stinky."

He sighed getting off of me. "I'll be right back."

He went into his bathroom and a few seconds later, I could hear the shower tap running. He came back and picked me up into his arms before carrying me into the bathroom. Setting me down on the toilet seat, on top of the lid, he checked the temperature of the water before picking me up again and placing me in the tub.

I sighed in pleasure loving the warmth from the water. Thaddeus hadn't left yet; instead he was doing something behind me, but I paid little attention, closing my eyes as I relaxed.

Suddenly my mates warm yet rough hands began gliding down my wet body. I bit on my bottom lip hard so no sound escapes. But his hands started moving lower and lower until I began moaning.

Snapping out of it, I pushed his hands away giggling. "Thaddeus, go away and let me take a bath in peace."

He sighed and kissed my cheek, leaving me red faced all over again.

I tilt my head back before thinking of last night. My wolf was happy and satisfied but she really wanted me to mate again. I roll my eyes remembering the way Thaddeus was so gentle. In no way, was he sloppy, I thought.

When we had first done it, it hurt and was very uncomfortable at first. But Thaddeus took his time letting me get used to him. Even though his wolf probably wanted to take us like the animals we are, Thaddeus was in control. Afterwards, when we had done it a few more times and I had gotten use to his very large anatomy, Thaddeus didn't hold back. There was a few times, I had to remind him that I was a virgin a few hours ago but other than that, it was perfect.

Stepping out, I wrapped a towel around myself before exiting the bathroom. Thaddeus thankfully, had left not only the bathroom but his bedroom as well. I sigh realizing that I didn't have any clothes in his room other than the ones, I wore the day before.

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