Chapter 22

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When you're suppose to be ignoring someone, it's suppose to be easy especially if you're mad at that person. Hence, thats why you probably ignore that person in the first place.

The difficult part about ignoring someone though is when they try to talk to you. That was my problem at the moment.

My mate had just stormed- OK I'm exaggerating- into the pack house, and even though I really didn't think he'd come for me, I wasn't really surprised.

Rose was right about him storming into the room. Moments before he arrived, Mason had been in here to collect somethings for the night. Even though it was just after six in the evening, he said he planned on going to sleep early. Rose and I obviously didn't believe him.

Anyways, the moment Mason left, was the same moment, I picked up on my mates scent. I guess Thaddeus had noticed a males scent with mine but hadn't noticed Roses. And with the closed door, I'm assuming he thought Mason and I were up to bad things.

When he stormed inside the room with eyes full of anger and surprisingly betrayal, I immediately stood up. When he glanced inside the room and noticed that it was just Rose (who was looking extremely pale) and I, he calmed down but not by a lot.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked with a hard tone.

"I should be asking you that," I retorted. "Why can't I converse with a friend?"

"What was the male doing in here?"

I rolled my eyes and huffed. "He shares this room with his mate," I say gesturing towards Rose who still looked frozen, "and he just came to pick up some belongings."

Thaddeus, I guess, seemed alright with my answer. I -on the other hand- was completely pissed off he would storm in here and not explain why.

"What are you doing here?" The question slipped out of my mouth.

"I'm going somewhere and I need you with me," he replied.

I admit I felt shocked by his bluntness and that he needed me. "Where?"

"You'll find out when we get there," he replies turning on his heel and leaving the room.

I turned to Rose who unfroze.

"Why are you still here? You heard him, he needs you."

I dashed out the room and after my mate.



"I didn't know the pack had vehicles they share," I mumble.

"Well, we need to get to and from places but we can't always be in wolf form," Thaddeus replies.

I nodded feeling absolutely confused. Wasn't he just mad at me this morning? Now here we were having a road trip to some place I don't know.

"Can I ask where were going?"

He didn't respond. The car ride was completely silent after I asked him about our location.

He sat in the drivers seat with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the arm rest. I was sitting beside him moving around. It was hard to sit still when all I could think of where my emotions towards him.

When we neared our destination, I was relieved to finally be out of the car. I could see where we were clearly, but I didn't understand. I turned to him with a confused expression but he didn't look at me. He kept his eyes on the road.

When he pulled over, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He blew through his lips before turning to me.

"Do you trust me?"

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