Chapter 21

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"These past days we've been practicing in our human forms. Today you'll be sparring in your wolf forms for now. But in a few days time, everyone will be tested and similar to what we did last class, I will begin to keep score of those who lose and win their matches. Clear?" annouced Jay when everyone settled into the clearing.

When I first arrived here, majority of people were sending me questioning looks. Of course, everyone was curious what the Alphas mate was doing here. Mason had sent me a nod as if he was saying an easy hello and then he went back to talking to the guys he was with. Honestly, that kind of hurt but I ignored it and waved hello to Rose who welcomed me with an easy going smile and a hug. She knew how much I wanted this.

"Everyone partner up with someone who is about their size. Those who have no partner stand beside me and I will put you in a group of three," Jay says his voice blaring out loud.

Rose gave me an apologetic smile just as another girl stepped out from behind me.

"Come on Rose," the girls says totally ignoring me. She turns and heads away making Rose run after her after she patted me on the shoulder. Well now I felt awkwardly alone.

I walked towards Jay noticing how no one else stood beside him. It felt totally awkward because everyone was observing me as if I shouldn't have been there. OK, not everyone but most people were. Others sent pitiful smiles towards me which made me wish the ground would swallow me up on the spot, but that didn't happen.

"Annabel you go with," his eyes went around before he pointed towards a group in the corner," them."

I followed his finger only to notice the group I was in. They were no older than sixteen. I observed them with a shock expression before concealing it and turning my head to face Jay who was already walking away to help someone.

"Is this some kind of joke?" I questioned following him. He turned around not surprised at my refusal to be with a group of kids.

"Luna, I need you to go with your group. Everyone here is skilled and I cannot just place you in a random group."

I stubbornly turned around before stomping towards the group. People glanced at me as I stormed towards my group but I paid no attention to that. I saw Rose and even Mason glance at me and both even tried mind linking me but I put my walls up.

Approaching the group of girls, I couldn't help but notice how they had a sort of fear in their eyes. I calmed myself down just as I reached them.

"Hi," I said trying to sound cheerful. "Should we start?"

The girls stood still as statues. They didn't have the fear anymore but I could tell they were very cautious. Suddenly, they snapped out of it before nodding.

"My name is Annabel," I state trying to start this off nicely.

"My name is Lisa," she gives me a small wave before pointing towards the girl beside her, "and this is Gabriella."

Gabriella, shakingly waves at me.

"I apologize for before," I retorted noticing they way Gabriella relaxed slightly.

"Do you want to spar first?" One of the girls asked. I raised an eyebrow,

"If that's all right with you two."



After several matches with the girls -I won all my rounds- Beta Jay called everyone to meet him in a half circle.

"Good job everyone, I've seen many improvements since last week and to end this class," he says pausing for dramatic effect,"I've constructed a game of capture the flag."

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