Chapter 4

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I froze fear suddenly consuming me. My wolf was shouting at me for feeling afraid of our mate. Our mate will never dare do harm to us, she was saying. I could feel her anger towards me but I tried ignoring that trying to focus all of my attention on our mate.

This was Alpha Thaddeus? The cruel Alpha that decided to hurt my pack. He did look intimidating but I wasn't going to admit that. I hadn't realized that he was also looking me over. His dark eyes roamed up and down my body until his gaze stopped back on my face.

The look he gave me made me shiver with desire. I felt lust pool within me as he continued gazing at me. He took a step forward and stopped. He inhaled deeply only to exhale heavily. A loud growl erupted from within him.

My heart pounded inside my chest. I thought he was going to order the guards to open the cells that was separating us but instead he took another step back. A pang of hurt instantly hit me. I could hear my wolf whining softly.

I couldn't tell if his eyes were shifting color or not. But I knew that he was close to losing control of his wolf. He uttered one word making my heart stop beating for a moment.


His deep sonorous voice made my toes tingle. I realised this was the first thing he said and I had been waiting for him to use his voice. But what did 'no' mean? Did he not want me as a mate? Was he rejecting me?

My wolf howled in agony at the thought. He wouldn't want to reject us, she said. I could feel his wolf wanting us; the human is resisting.

With one last glance at me he turned and trudged away. My heart shattered at his actions. Wasn't he suppose to come save me? Or come comfort me?

One of his pack members lingered and examined me before leaving. I wasn't sure but I think he may have shot me a sympathetic look before he left.

I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder. I did not need to look up to know it was my mom. "Annabel I'm so-"

"I need some rest," I interrupted, "I'm just going to lay down for a bit."

She didn't object; she let me do as I want.

I woke up later on to shouting. I sat up curious of who it was even though my stmach roared in complain. I really need something to eat.

"That bastard rejected her?" I jumped at the familar voice. Mason.

"Mason," Rose said softly, "Please don't wake her up."

I made a sound making heads snap in my direction. Mason stood up from the cell he was in and peered through his cell bars to look at me which was kind of hard because we were two cells away from each other.

"Anna," he breathed out in what I'm guessing is relief, "Are you alright?"

I don't know, was I? I mean my mate, my other half had just rejected me. If you call that a rejection. My wolf growled out in anger. She along with myself was very sadden about the fact our own mate did not come to comfort us.

"Yes," I responded my voice hoarse. From the look Mason, Rose, and my own mother gave me they could see through my white lie. I turned my head not wanting to recieve any more looks from them or the others in different cells.

I observed the younger girls beside my cell. The girl I gave my bread to earlier was kneeling in front of her younger sister who was crying. She was rocking her back and forth on her lap.

"Is she hungry?" I asked. The girl looked up at the sound of my voice and nodded. I couldn't help but watch as tears rolled down her cheeks too in silence.

Her Cruel MateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ